Sunday, June 01, 2008

UAE - Abu Dhabi

I made it to Abu Dhabi with no problems at all. Ajlan mom, Madonna, was waiting for me at the airport and we went back to her flat. Her daughter, Ajlan's sister, Sara was there as well and she is really fun. So far I've just taken a day to get myself together and relax which has been great.

It is beyond hot here though, around 105F (Gavin you would be in heaven *wink*). Madonna was saying that the ocean is even hot so you jump in and it doesn't cool you down, I'll have to see about that though. There is discussion about going jet skiing this afternoon which would be fun. No solid plans yet though.

I'll post pics when I have some! Thanks for the comments and emails - keep them coming!


Anonymous said...

Hola Chica!

Glad to hear that you made it to the UAE with no problems. I made it home but then slept forever. LOL.

I'm going to mail your jacket and LP to your mom's house today.

Have fun and keep updating!

Anonymous said...

J/K. E-mail me your address at