Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Finally some pictures!!

Finally here are some pics. I leave for Singapore tomorrow morning and I'm so excited to see Mei!! Yeah for the next part of the adventure :)

Aarthi in Rishikish - very cool thing to see

Rafting the Ganges!! Super fun!!

Me holding my bike helmet on the road to the Thiksay monastery

Three story Buddha statue in Thiksay Monastery

Prayer wheels in the Hemis Monastery south of Leh (always turn them clockwise)

At the top of Shanti Stupa in Leh, the view was beautiful and we stayed until sunset just watching the mountains change color - stunning

18,380 ft - it was awesome!

Loads of prayer flags on the highest motorable pass in the world. It's really a beautiful thing, the idea of sending prayers on the wind to the Gods.

This is the jeep crew - Sidd (India), Me (USA), Tom (UK), Eliza (Italy), Kate (Aussie), Steve (UK) We had so much fun just chatting, drinking beer and trying not to kill our jeep driver who seemed to be trying to kill us!! We just crossed back over the Khardung La pass back to Leh

Sidd in a great little pizza joint in Leh, the mushroom soup was amazing!

The Lotus Temple - beautiful and quite a nice religion too - very accepting, very equal opportunities, very peaceful.

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