Saturday, June 21, 2008

A few days in Leh

Sidd and I are now in Leh - really far north in India, close to both Pakistan and China. The first few days we were here we just lazied around getting used to the elevation (aroun 11,000 ft) which took longer than we thought. We rented a motorcycle and drove around to see some monostaries and gompas etc. The spirituality here is very strong, and very Buddhist.

We joined a group of four other people on a trip to Nubra Valley which was so much fun! To get to the valley we had to cross the highest motorizable road in the WORLD! The pass is at 18,380 ft!! It was snowing and cold and I climbed about 20 stairs and thought I would die - not really but I could feel the thinness of the air.

The valley is beautiful and I can't wait to post pictures when I get back to Delhi. We got to walk through sand dunes and wade in a river and bathe in hot springs. The other people on the trip were great fun too. They were from Italy, Australia, and two from UK. As the only US citizen there - I got a lot of Bush questions and a lot of Obama or McCain? Why Iraq? Do you think your country is done for? etc questions. It was strange to be the person answering those questions as I find myself asking the same of other Americans at home... Joys of travel!!

Sidd and I are deciding what to do for our last few days before heading to Delhi - we'll have fun I'm sure!!

Miss everyone!!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hot Chica!

It's been great reading about all your adventures. You are such an inspiration!! I probably should start blogging again, but your adventures seem so much bigger! I so glad I got to see you and can't wait til we meet up again!!

love, jess