Saturday, June 14, 2008

Rafting the Gangas (Ganges for us British decendents)

Sidd and I left Delhi (we were there for only a few hours) and caught a train to Rishikesh. Our train experience was so cool!! We were in sleeper class (which is one step above general, which is standing room only) which is okay, usually I travel by AC class. However, this region is a high pilgrimage route and the general class was too full so people started squatting in the sleeper class cars. This created quite the disruption as Sidd shared his bed with four ladies. He made sure I had my bunk to myself and I tried to sleep, however, at one point there was a fight and lots of yelling. It was quite fun - despite the lack of sleep!

So we are now in Rishikesh and we decided to go RAFTING! I got to raft 26km down the Ganges (Ganga is the Hindi name). This is one of the two main holy rivers in India. This is the same river which flows into Varanasi - the holiest sight in India. Upstream at the point we rafted, the water is much cleaner - although sightings of dead cows were claimed by our fellow rafters. We had such a good time - I jumped out of the boat and swam along side it once, Sidd did that three times!

We are off to Leh further north and might raft the Indus (the other holy river) we shall see!!

Pictures aren't allowed to be uploaded due to low bandwidth, so I'll put some rafting pics up later along with Aarthi (offerings/pooja) pics also.

Having a blast!!!


Anonymous said...

sounds like the train was a blast! Hope that all continues to be well. I'm leaving tomorrow and won't be able to check internet for a week so good luck in your travels I'll read your updates as soon as I get internet in CT.

Anonymous said...

Hey I havnt checked up on you in a while but it looks like your still having a blast. I hope you didnt spend too much on sex in the city. I gotta read and catch up, not having internet sucks. Take Care.