Katie and I are now in Rabat, the political capital of Morocco. It is a much more western city than either Fes or Meknes. The men wear more suits and western dress than I've seen in the other cities. The medina is much calmer and easier to navigate (proud to announce we did not get lost!) We are staying here for two days and then heading back to Casablanca so I can catch an early flight on Saturday to the UAE. Katie then gets to head home! Oh, and for some reason Katie attracts flies... she might need a really good scrubbing when she gets home - just a heads up to her family! We also had quite the adventure with the squat toilet in the hotel. Through much awkward conversation we figured out which way to stand to minimize splashing and other yucky things... My Indian experiences did not help much in that department I discovered but we figured it out! Yay us! (potty training - passed)
Having a really fun time - hope all is well at home.
turtles are cool..
Nice jacket too. Glad you guys are enjoying yourselves. They certainly seem to have better weather. It wont quit raining here, but i still got 160 road miles in this week.
Take care.
My mom got the post card today that we send from Morocco!
I love your potty training story. The first few times I tried squat toilets, it was...not pleasant. But I'm used to them now! The worst ones are the kind where the "toilets" are all in a row and everything goes into a trough... I generally avoid those and just hold it.
I think your picture with the mini-door is a good contrast with the mosque picture :-D The mini-door reminded me of hobbits
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