Friday, August 17, 2007

Last few days of freedom!

Well these are my last few days without class. My last few moments before submitting once again to the grips of the library, engineering textbooks, hours of homework, and seemingly endless amounts of lab reports, group projects, not to mention job searching! I've finished RA training, I've got my textbooks, I've been to the Neon Cactus bar and I'm ready to go I think!

The RAs had a banquet to attend the other night which was a nice awkward event. We all dressed up in dresses and suits and mingled with the apparent 'high rollers' of Purdue, the 'who's who' of the residence halls and the newest member of the Purdue staff our new president!! Isn't she a wonderful addition to the staff!!! She had her degree in astrophysics and worked as lead scientist for NASA as well as president for University of California Santa Barbra!! And she does all this in a five foot nothing frame! Such a mighty woman in such a small person, it's a bit hard to believe.

Here is a picture of my friend Katie and I before heading to this marvelous event where the only thing more impressive than our newest presidents credentials was the tiramisu dessert = DIVINE!!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Back to Purdue!

So I've started training at Purdue for my new position as RA! It's been a blast so far seeing as my fellow RA's are all a lot of fun. There are 16 of us, plus two lead RA's known as Staff Residents. Everyone is pretty outgoing and willing to chat and laugh at just about anything. Training is mostly about policy and expectations of the residence hall so it isn't always interesting, but the leaders do the best they can with it. Right now I'm a bit overwhelmed because it sounds like so much to do! I hope I can manage to balance this with ChemE and the sorority, but we shall see...

Oh and to a few who have noticed that I'm not on facebook it is a temporary hiatus. Because of sorority recruitment all sorority members are not allowed on facebook. It is supposed to level the playing field for recruitment and not allow communication amongst members and those who are going through recruitment. I think it is silly, but rules are rules. So give me a month and I'll be back, and we will still be friends!!

On a side note, it has been a blast to share my India experience with so many people. I get to relive my favorite parts of my experience every time I talk about it. That is so cool!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Pulsing My readers

My very artistic boyfriend took this photograph of the sunset reflecting in the window of a yacht in Sag Harbor - gorgeous!

To all those out there who read this blog I have a question to ask you... do you wish me to continue the blog??? When I created this blog at the beginning of my journey to India I did so with the intent of keeping everyone at home updated with the convenience of them checking in when they liked. It allowed me to share my experience with my friends and family without having to mass email them or the sort. So now that I'm home, back in the USA, about to head out to Purdue, my question is this: Is there still an interest or reason for continuing with the blog? I'm sort of on the fence about continuing. There is a lot to be said for being so open in sharing with your life especially with friends and family. But there is also something to be said for being so open with anyone interested in random blog reading. It's hard to say if I'm still interested, posting about West Lafayette life is much less exciting than posting about my adventures in India.

A brief aside about India...
I miss India a lot. I really miss my friends back at IIT who are all starting their term already. I miss the laughter in the hostel and the many attempts to make it back in time for pani puri tiffin. I miss being in a place where there is something new at ever turn. This seems ironical as I was longing for familiarity when I was there. I'm not sure when I'll make it back to India, but I know that someday I'll have to. Be it to check in on some crazy IIT friends and maybe attend a Hindu wedding or so, or perhaps on another wayward journey through such a culturally rich place. I'm confident I'll return, when I do I can only hope that my friends are still there to welcome me into their world as unquestioningly as they did the first day I arrived. I feel more blessed now looking back on the experience than I ever did while I was living it. So to all my friends back in India thank you for your hospitality, your friendship and your experiences, you made my trip fantastic.

Back to the entry at hand, please leave a comment if you think I should continue blogging. Perhaps knowing people will read it will inspire me to keep posting.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Being home and traveling around

I'm home as I stated in my most recent blog. After an amazing week back in Colorado I jet-setted off to the Twin Cities to attend my sorority sisters wedding. (yes I am an engineer and yes I am in a sorority so all you women out there thinking it's too much, give Greek Life a Shot!) It has been so wonderful to spend time with my sisters again and laugh like no time has passed. Though the weird thing about being home is now I have stories to tell that start like this " This one afternoon I was in Calcutta and was getting my sandals repaired by a guy on the street... " or "While I was in an over night bus from Ooty..." or "When was on the road side eating pani puri and chatting with my boyfriend...." Those are moments that really drive home the fact that I was abroad. When I got home everyone asked me what it feels like to be home, and honestly it feels the same as when I left. It is as if I went to sleep for a weekend and woke up with a lot more stuff.

Anyway after leaving St. Paul I head to NYC and DC to spend some time sight seeing here in the USA. Then it is off to Long Island to visit the grandparents. Oh yeah then there is the getting back to Purdue two weeks early to go through RA training!!! Yup I might be one of your RAs! Pretty exciting!!!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Traveling Pics

So I'm on my adventures... this is a thrilling life!! I hope you like the pics, there are in backwards chronological order... Visakhpatnam came first :o)The view from our hotel - it was gorgeous!
Meditating inside Agra Fort
Mother Theresa Tomb
Sidd and I on a beach in Visakhapatnam
Shiv and Parvarti Statues in Visakhapatnam
Me on my first train ride!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It's official

Sidd got his Visa! Needless to say, I'm happy. Can't wait to share my world with him!!

I arrive in CO on July 5th late in the night and my travels don't stop there...

Here's the plan:
CO - July 5th-July12th
Minniapolis for Anne's Wedding - July 13th-July 16th
NYC and Long Island - July 16th-July 24th
CO - July 25th-August 1st-ish
Purdue - August 3rd - Christmas!!

I'm off to Agra and the Taj Mahal tomorrow!! I love traveling so much!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Nerve Racking two days!

Sidd is applying for his Visa and we know in two days if he gets it... I think I'm going to have a coronary while he is in his interview. I don't even want to think about what will happen if he doesn't get it. He will though, he will.

Off to Delhi via Calcutta this afternoon, meet up with Sidd day after tomorrow to see the largest monument built for love, ever - the Taj. I'm so happy I get to share it with Sidd.

Miss home, just a few weeks more until I'm kissing ground in CO and hugging the stuffing out of all my friends. Just be warned.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Indian Adventure

Well... I'm done with work, I'm out of Bangalore, I've got a backpack, some money, a Lonely Planet Guide Book, and two weeks... I'm Off!!! I'm currently in Calcutta en route to Darjeeling, where I will be staying for two days before departing for Delhi and a great Rajasthan tour!! I'm home after that!!! Hopefully bringing with me a live souvenir.

I'll update when I know more or have details to give.

Lova - I'm terrible and haven't gotten back to you and I know this... I'm working on that, same to you Mark.

Friday, June 15, 2007

It's a love hate relationship

What I love about India and what I despise about India… They both exist and they both seem to peak out from random corners at random times. The vibrancy of life here is something I fell in love with long back; the people are magnificent. Everyone smiles at you when you walk by (as long as they aren’t gawking at the six foot white girl) and the woman are all beautiful from the small girls in school uniforms to the 60 year old toothless woman in a ragged sari. It is a stunning culture here one that is simultaneously trying to advance to a developed nation as well as cling to it’s cultural heritage. The food is wonderful, most of the time… a few nights spent racing to the bathroom have not been some of my favorites. The sweets take some getting used to, they aren’t rich chocolaty and baked like the cookies and cakes we have at home. Most sweets are made from some form of milk or cheese and it swims in some variation of sugar syrup. The history is deep, the buildings old and crumbling but still beautiful. And you can't beat the prices on almost anything (a new shirt for $4... tailor sewn for $5). There is a lot to discover here, and so much to love.
What drives me up the wall about India… well if I get started I may not stop and you’ll think I hate it here, I don’t, I love it. That being said… the lack of organization and efficiency really sums up most of my disgruntled moments. I wanted to send a packed to the States so as to have more space in my suitcase to bring home all my purchases. I made the long journey to the post office by bus which is the cheapest way to travel in India, albeit the most crowded, hottest, dirtiest and all around uncomfortable. Finally I reach the post office which I confirmed was open until 5:30, I arrived at 5. What greets me?? Well lets leave the details out and just say, the office is open until 5:30, but you can’t actually send anything after 2pm. It makes me wonder why they are open after 2 at all. You can’t do anything simple like send a package, buy train tickets, or catch an auto rickshaw without fighting for it., fighting poor timings, fighting poor booking procedures, fighting for a fair fare. Always fighting... Sometimes I’m just tired of fighting. It makes me scold this nation for being so seemingly backward…*sigh* I love India – really

Thursday, June 07, 2007

A little recognition!

So Purdue asked me for some of my views on India and my experiences a long time back. Now I've come to realize that my imputes have made their way into the Chemical Engineering Impact Magazine!! Feel free to read it!! The little bit regarding me is down at the bottom!

The article

Mei and Jeannie... thanks for being good sports... you're photographed in our magazine - I hope you don't mind! Oh and I miss you three all so very much!

Enjoy :o)

Monday, June 04, 2007

Ooty - Tamil Nadu's Hill Station

My weekend travels continue! Sidd and I spent a weekend together in a hill station in Tamil Nadu. Tamil Nadu is the southeastern coastal state of India which has mountains running down the western spine. Ooty is located in these mountains and was quite chilly. In fact, Sidd was smart and brought two long sleeve shirts (one I wore the whole time!) It rained both days we were there which partially flooded the town making walking an interesting experience. We took a three hour horseback riding trip through the hills which was so much fun. Sidd hadn't really ridden a horse before so he was a great sport and a pretty good rider at that! It was just the two of us and a guide riding around. Very fun, but our butts are still hurting two days later. We also bought ample amounts of Ooty's famous homemade chocolate, but we both are wondering why it is famous, as it really wasn't that great. The town was really cute but busy with tourists as it was a weekend. We had an interesting bus ride back to B'lore which was partly great fun, and partly really unfortunate. Lets just say we were sitting in the "cool part of the bus" but the bus was totally NOT COOL - Sidd's 25 mysterious bug bites are testimony to that. We made some fun friends on the bus and I had the pleasure of using an Indian toilet in the middle of the night without a light... I probably didn't want to see the bathroom anyway... :o)
Sidd and his horse Raja (it's a boy - but you wouldn't know by the flowers on it's bridle)
Ooty lake reflections - my attempt at artistic photography

In other news - I'm flying home earlier than originally thought. I arrive in the States July 5th! Please let me know if you are in CO - I will want to see you :o)

Friday, May 25, 2007


So it’s been quite sometime since my last post. Sorry bout that! I’ve been getting myself settled in B’lore (note the updated address) and trying not to lose my mind out of boredom at work. Last weekend Sidd and I went to Mysore which is a town about three hours by bus from B’lore. It took us four hours because we had to cross the length of B’lore to catch the bus. We had a very nice time exploring the city. On the first day we slept in a bit which was a nice break from getting up early for work. We met this very cute kid who took it upon himself to show us a bit of the town. Granted we ended up at his house were his parents sold incense and oils, but he was still a fun kid. He took us to the English Market which sold a lot of produce and such things. Sort of interesting to see what a small town market was like. From there we went to see the famed Mysore palace. It was huge and very ornate. Lots of murals on the walls and of course a lot of Hindu gods and goddesses depicted all over the place. We also visited a garden famed for its illuminated fountains. It was there I met the tallest person I’ve ever seen in my life. I have photographic proof, see for yourself.

Market area
The Mysore Palace
In front of a temple outside the Mysore Palace
This is me in silhouette at a beautiful garden fountain.

Me and the tallest person I've ever seen!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Beginning Work - Back to GE!!

I started work on Monday at the JFWTC (John F Welch Technology Center) in Whitefield, Bangalore (B'lore). The first few days were spend doing typical HR stuff, filling out forms and listening to a bunch of people welcome us new employees. I started along with about 32 other interns and roughly 8 new full time hires. I knew two of the interns from IIT which was nice to have familiar faces. One of them and I are working in the same department for a few weeks and I'm sure we will have a good time together. My project hasn't been completely scoped just yet so I'm still in a holding pattern for information. I'm trying my best to be patient. I've asked for a chemical engineering project as opposed to chemistry to get a bit more practical experience. From the information I do have, it sounds like I'm going to be doing some designing. That will be great experience for next year when I take my design classes.

Oh and on other news, I passed all my classes at IIT!!! Granted I didn't do a stellar job (basically straight C's with a B thrown in...) but never the less I passed!!! I'm very relieved to know that I don't have to retake anything at Purdue, but I am a few credits shy of a full time student, so I may just be able to pick up a 'fun' elective course. I'm open to suggestions though I think Flower Arraigning would be a good pick. I was saving those credits in case I had to retake.

I have a place to live in B'lore now, so no sweat there thank goodness. I'll put up my new address once I figure it out exactly :o)

*missing home... please send love*

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Kerala and my adventures

I’m back!! I’m in Bangalore again after my week in Kerala. It feels great to be back and I’m trying to gear up for work on Monday. Yikes, I don’t want to go back just yet… Here are some pics of my journey and they are more or less in chronological order. I had a wonderful time and wouldn’t mind going back some day. The Keralan people are wonderfully kind and welcoming, and their state is amazing. Kerala has the highest literacy rate, the best male/female ratio, the highest standard of living, and overall it is pretty much awesome!! Enjoy the pics!!
Chinese Fishing Nets in Fort Cochin, it can take up to four men to operate them!

Fort Cochin Street way
Sunset in the backwaters of Allepey. It was so beautiful and quite there... This was just moments before I decided to take a swim, which was great fun.
A three month old baby elephant in Kumily. He was so cute!
Me and an elephant. The tusks were so soft and the skin felt like really thick leather. I couldn't believe how gentle this enormous animal was!

Kathakali performer. I saw a performance in Kumily... it sort of creeped me out but was interesting nonetheless. They make use of expression and gestures to convey a story without language aside from song.

Clouds rolling in a valley in MunnarFour little girls in a village near Munnar, all they asked for were pens... I wish I had some to give them, they were so sweet.
Me in Munnar amongst the tea... lots and lots of tea.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

God's Own Country

As Kerala is warmly referred to around here, I'm in God's Own Country. It is beautiful that is true, gorgeous perhaps even. I'm having a grand time so far, eating new foods, meeting new people, and learning that the bus system is really a good time. Yesterday I stayed in a hotel that is only reachable by canoe and I was the only guest. As such, the owner and I became "friends." I asked to go on a backwater tour, so we hoped in the canoe and headed out. It was so beautiful and relaxing. It was amazing to see the type of life people live. They are totally dependent upon the land. There are paddies of rice which provide for the bulk of the diet, there are also coconuts, bananas, pineapple, and fish from the river as well as tea leaves and curry leaves for cooking. Some families have a cow or two, others chickens or goats. I tried some coconut alcohol which was quite interesting. It is semi-carbonated which is fun. I had my first ayurvedic massage, which was simply amazing, and mostly just oily. I'm now sitting in an internet cafe of sorts next to Periyar Tiger Preserve... I'm fearing for my life... j/k. Off to my little house for the night with my French roommate Stephanie!

I'll get pics up as soon as I'm back in Bangalore (oh yeah, I'm now 'moved' into Bangalore) Life's a whirlwind!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Birthday celebrations

Well it happened.... I turned 21. No pomp no circumstance just fact. I did consume some alcohol as seems fitting for the event. But more importantly I spent it with the people I care the most about in India, my wonderful Singaporean counterparts and Siddharth. A cute story to sum up a quite simply and pleasant birthday:
12:01 am April 23rd, my phone rings. It's Sidd asking me to come outside and meet him for a bit. I went outside my hostel where I got a big hug and a flower and a "Happy Birthday Babe." We walked around the campus a bit before he set me down on some bleachers in our sports field. He told me to close my eyes and not peek!! So I did and I saw a faint glow form, he had lit a candle. He told me open my eyes, and in front of my was a chocolate muffin with a single candle. He said if I sang you happy birthday it wouldn't be nice so I wont. I tried to blow out my candle but it was one of those tricky relighting candles. As a result I made about 20 wishes!!

The day went on with little excitement until the Singaporeans and Sidd showed up with a cake and 21 candles (again the tricky relighting ones....) We also had a few drinks (yes Jenny I took a shot for you) and over all had a nice time. I must say that I don't think I could have asked for a better birthday. If I were home, chances are I wouldn't remember it... thank goodness for India!!

Here are some pics, enjoy!Blowing out the candles
Chowing down on some AMAZING cake
Double birthday kisses
Siddharth and I with the tasty cake!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Four Down One to Go

Wow! So glad last week is over!!! I’ve finished four out of five of my finals and let me tell you, I’m thrilled they are finished. Now I’m just crossing my fingers that everything works out and I’m not retaking anything at Purdue. I’ve got four days to study for my last final, so hopefully I’ll do really well on that one.

I’m starting to pack up my room and get ready to leave for Bangalore. I’m heading out early Friday morning to embark on the next stage of my journey. It will be bittersweet to leave IIT. I’ve had a rough time academically, but personally and socially I had a blast. I’ve meet some of the most amazing people and made such wonderful friends. I can only hope that I keep those bonds strong, if I do I’m sure I’ll be back to India. There is still so much to explore and see and so much more to learn about this wonderful place.

Here are some pics of me studying… because yes I do study but not nearly as much as when I was back at Purdue!!!Vikash... realizing how much we have left to cover in three hours!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Beyond Busy

I've got four quizzes, three assignment submissions, plus a design project to work on this week. Mind you this week is the week before finals, basically IIT's version of Dead Week. Doesn't feel too dead though... wish me luck please because I'm going to need it to get through the next few days, and all of next week.

Siddharth and I booked tickets to Bangalore and I'm getting pretty excited about going. It is going to be great to have a change of scenery and of course hang out without silly IIT rules and assignments to worry about.

I hope everyone at home is doing well, I'm just trying to keep my head above water.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Goodbye to the seniors

There was a Valfi dinner for my hostel last night. It was a night to celebrate the seniors and say goodbye and congratulate them on being done! It was a very fun time with amazing food and so much of it. It is a formal type affair so everyone dresses up, the Indian way. That means... Saari or fancy Salwar Kameez sets. Everyone looked so wonderful and beautiful. It was a thoroughly fun affair!Yup, that me in a saari with Jeannie also looking beautiful
Oh what fun!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Not much new is happening at the moment other than studying for exams and getting ready to wrap up the semester and hopefully pack away some nice grades too!! Time will tell. I'm starting to get my things together for Bangalore and that is exciting, very exciting. Siddharth has an internship with GE as well so he and I are going to be chilling all summer. Hopefully we will be able to do some fun site seeing and a handful of weekend trips to explore the south of India. I've changed my start dates to allow me time to travel at the end of my trip when it wont be so hot up north. Turns out may is the hottest month up there pushing 120F in some areas!! I don't want to be trying to travel in that type of heat.... So here are a few more pics from the last few days and other random snaps. Enjoy!!
Fresh Lime Soda = my favorite = YUMM!!Mudricka and I at Lakeside on campus!
Hiranandani (apartments and shopping near campus)
Sunset at Lakeside
Sidd and I before heading out of campus - I'm a bandit so I don't breath so much pollution (plus I look cute :) )

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My mom's visit, birthday wishes, and a picture extravaganza

First and foremost - a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful little sis!! Mary Ellen (little) I love you so much and I'm very bummed I can't be around to celebrate the big 2-0 with you. I miss you and think about you every day!! In honor of you, here is a picture of you, Anne and I when we first became family!! I love you so much! I hope you are super happy! My mom has come and gone and it feels like it was such a tease of a visit. It was wonderful to have her in India. I loved being able to share a bit of my world with her, take her to the places I hang out, introduce her to my friends, have her eat my favorite foods, and just spend time. Too bad the three days she was here was not long enough. She and her friend Sally came for three days before jet setting off to north India for two weeks. Unfortunately I had class in the mornings which cut down on a lot of the time I could spend with her. We had a lot of fun though when together, like I said, just showing her a bit of my world over here. Siddharth and I took mom and Sally to south Mumbai for an afternoon which was a very great time. I exposed her to the Mumbai local train, which turned out to be just fine despite the warnings of all my friends (Sidd included.) I still don't believe that any trip to Bombay is complete without experiencing the train - I love it! Here are some pictures of our outings around IIT and in the city!!Mom and I at Mocha's - my FAVORITE coffee shop, I spend A LOT of time here :)

Mom, Sally, and I at Hira Nandani... yes there is a KFC here - a Pizza Hut too

This is the Gateway of India in the Colaba area of Mumbai
Chowpatty Beach is a 'beach' in south Mumbai which offers a pretty nice view of some of the downtown area.Siddharth and I at lunch out our afternoon in downtown.
This is a monkey on campus about 20 seconds before he nearly attacked me. There was a family of monkeys who all started to squeak and approach me. You can't tell but in this picture I'm about 2 feet from the monkey... just a typical day on campus!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I am halfway around the world on one of the most important days in my best friend's life - her 21st birthday. I cannot express how much I wish I were there to help her finish the huge amounts of drinks she will be consuming, or how much I wish I were there to take photographs of all the crazy stunts she will undoubtly pull. Jenny - take at least one shot for me, make it hard and take it straight. To the Forney Fanatics who I can only hope are going to be there to make it extra special... keep her extra happy!!

Missing you lova, so so so much.

Monday, March 19, 2007


So it only took about three months but it is finally happening. I miss home. I miss everyone at home. I actually thought today about going home... and if that is actually feasible... I don't really want to, but it felt good to think about it. I have an amazing life here filled with wonderful people who do extraordinary things to make me smile and make me happy, and I can't express how much that means to me. I know that I'm having an experience, but sometimes I wish it wasn't so hard.

If I can make it through tomorrow I might be okay. I don't really have a choice, tomorrow will happen if I want it to or not. I've just got to remember to breath. And being okay is really only relative... I've got end sems to think about...

My mom couldn't be coming soon enough. I need a hug...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I know it's been forever

Sorry I've not posted in forever it seems, but my life has gotten a bit crazy with school. I received some really exciting news the other day, I got a position as an RA in Earhart Hall for next year!! I'm very excited expect that I need to maintain a GPA while over here of a 2.5. I'm a bit worried about doing that actually... and I would really hate for the offer to be taken back based upon my inability to perform well while abroad. I've tried to convince myself that even if I don't achieve the 2.5 GPA it isn't because I'm not smart, I know I'm smart. What I've decided now is that if I don't make the 2.5 mark it isn't going to be due to lack of effort either. As such, it is full tilt toward learning and improving my marks and understanding of material. I still have a shot with the end semester exams to pull my grades up and earn marks that will allow me to be an RA. I think I can do it...

With all that on my mind it's leaving little room for much else. There is a three day weekend coming up this weekend (Monday is a Hindu Holiday) but I will be spending it on campus trying to teach myself some Mass Transfer. To my
ChemE friends at Purdue... are you struggling as much as I am in Heat and Mass?? Gosh I hope I'm not alone...

Miss you all!!

*countdown: 11days!!!*

Monday, March 05, 2007

My new favorite holiday

When I was little if someone asked me what my favorite holiday was I would respond with Christmas or my birthday depending upon which was closer. Of course Halloween would get added into the mix, because what little kid doesn't love a holiday that results in enormous amounts of chocolate. Halloween would quickly fade into Christmas once my mom started making fudge and the stockings got hung up. After Santa's gone, I started to look forward to my birthday, but now I have a new holiday to add to my bimonthly rotational favorites... Holi. Holi is the Hindu festival of color. It was crazy amounts of fun. I was covered from head to toe in blue, green, red, pink, yellow, purple. It was so much fun. There was Indian music and dancing all mixed with people rushing at you with colored powder rubbing it on your face wishing you a happy holi. It was wonderful. Pau and Jeannie!!!
Now it's Monday so I'm back to the grind!

Countdown : 20days!!!

Monday, February 26, 2007

They are over - FINALLY

Mid Sems are finally over and now there is no need to worry about them ever again! Whether or not I passed is something I no longer have control over, so I'm done dealing with them. Come what may, I tried my best and if that isn't enough I suppose there is always Purdue next semester!!

Now with the exams finished I'm hoping to be able to use my afternoons and weekends for more traveling around Mumbai area, maybe do a few more weekends away and explore a bit. I really would prefer to go with a local person or at least a Hindi speaker. I'm also thinking about and should start planning my few week adventure around India after the end of the semester. Again, I'm trying to find someone who wants to go with me, but so far internships are getting in the way of all my friends!! It's really fun to think about all the things to see and do, but the planning just hasn't happened yet. I'll figure it out - maybe I'll just join a tour group and see India that way!

Oh and the cake has been fully frosted, gobs of icing dripping off the edges. She arrives on March 25th, and I'm counting down the days. It's going to be grand!!!!

I'm going to work on pictures, with exams not many have been taken recently, but I'll get on that.

*Smiling so much - so happy*

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Mid Sems

Mid Sem week is upon us! This is muck like finals week back at Purdue where there aren't any classes, just exams. Two hour exams for each class each weighing 30% of the final course. It is a lot of pressure to do well, it is a lot of cramming a lot of seemingly useless material into my head simply to regurgitate it later. I'm trying to impress upon myself the need to not only do well (which is a harder task than I'd like to admit) but more importantly the need to actually learn the material. In the end it doesn't matter if I pass but rather if I learned something. If I learn it after the exam that is simply bad timing on my part, however the ultimate goal is achieved.

As I sit and study, or try to study my mind is caught wondering. Everything in my world has all of a sudden become infinitely more interesting than my kinetics textbook, including the wood grain on my table. Not to mention I've been mildly distracted as of late anyway. When you are in an entirely new place all the emotions feel new too. Understanding those emotions takes time, longer than normal to reflect, decide and act. Time is a luxury, one that I have when it comes to making sense of my feelings, but not when it comes to my exams. If only my heart would speak a little louder, or be a little clearer all lot more would come into focus.

I'm incredibly happy right now. Honestly the thought of exams is daunting but I haven't stopped smiling for the past four days or so. Life is grand. India is beyond words. My friends both here and at home are inconceivably wonderful. I've never felt so lucky to have so many positive people and experiences in my life.

To put countless gobs of icing on this multi-tiered cake... my mom might be coming to visit me!! Seeing her would feel amazing.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

How CHE 320 Saved My Sanity

As I sit in class attempting to learn I find myself confused about material which is not at all uncommon even back at Purdue. Yet I also find myself highly intimidated. The professor is up at the board writing all types of equations, some of which I understand, most of which I don't. All the while the students around me are following (seemingly) along without a hitch. I struggle for hours before tutorial classes with assignments and make zero progress while they walk into class never having looked at the assignment and solve it in 30 minutes. I know I'm not nearly as smart as the students here, I know I'm not nearly as well prepared to take the courses that I'm enrolled in. Before my departure for India I spent countless hours sending countless emails back and forth to IIT and Purdue faculty to get my courses approved. All the while the Purdue professors were coming back to me telling me what material wasn't covered in the IIT courses that I would still be expected to know and how the overlap isn't strong enough so I may have to take an independent study etc. Now after finally getting here I realize it isn't Purdue that should have a problem, rather IIT should have looked at my previous course work and said, here is what she is eligible to take because a lot of the time I don't feel like I have the prerequisites to be sitting in those classrooms. Let me tell you for four hours a day getting hammer with material that doesn't make since, you start to feel a little bit... how do you say... dumb. All of my friends in class tell me time and time again that everyone is in the same situation, that no one understands, but I find it very hard to believe. With one student I got to talking about how I don't feel prepared for the courses and how I really should be in Mass Transfer I not II (honestly I had never heard of a mass transfer coefficient before... Purdue what are you thinking!?!). I mentioned how Purdue is much more application driven and IIT seems more theory and math driven. He agreed and stated that the theory is important so you can design systems and programs and such. I smiled and agreed that theory is important, but at Purdue we learn how to use the programs to solve problems, not necessarily how to make the program. He then asked, well anyone can use the program if you just have the user manual, so what exactly are you learning?? I can't even tell you how deflated I felt after that comment because I couldn't tell him. I all of a sudden felt as though two and a half years at Purdue was almost worthless in comparison. I mulled a lot of this over for a while and got myself back in higher spirits about my knowledge and trudge to class everyday hoping that maybe the symbols will click together this time. They still haven't but I'm still trying. Then another conversation with another classmate brought up the courses we take at Purdue and I mentioned CHE 320, the statistics course ChemE's take. He said they've never taken, nor do they take a statistics course. My face lit up!! I quickly asked, "so you don't know how to do a DOE or perform a t-test on data??" He looked at me confused and said, "no idea." This was followed by a series of questions from me regarding, Chi squared function, normal distributions, and optimization techniques none of which he had ever heard of. I felt like I was walking on clouds!!! I finally knew something an IITian didn't!!! Sounds small but let me tell you how wonderful it was to know that Purdue isn't worthless (it really isn't and I know that) but it was so refreshing to be able to trust my own knowledge again. I am smart... sort of... sometimes... okay maybe just in statistics... and that's only in comparison to IITians because lets face it, I'm not good at statistics either. lol
Study Study Study - Mid Sems start in 4 days (yikes!)_

Monday, February 12, 2007

More Pics!

The four of us ChemE's! We were jamming out at Club 190 which happened to be the most amazing club ever!! The DJ's were awesome, the crowd was stellar, and there was a dance instructor who was phenomenal!!
Our favorite donuts!! It is a lot like Krispy Kremes, served hot off the conveyor belt!
The foreign exchange students! USA, Israel, Singapore, Morocco, and France - REPRESENT!!