Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Beginning Work - Back to GE!!

I started work on Monday at the JFWTC (John F Welch Technology Center) in Whitefield, Bangalore (B'lore). The first few days were spend doing typical HR stuff, filling out forms and listening to a bunch of people welcome us new employees. I started along with about 32 other interns and roughly 8 new full time hires. I knew two of the interns from IIT which was nice to have familiar faces. One of them and I are working in the same department for a few weeks and I'm sure we will have a good time together. My project hasn't been completely scoped just yet so I'm still in a holding pattern for information. I'm trying my best to be patient. I've asked for a chemical engineering project as opposed to chemistry to get a bit more practical experience. From the information I do have, it sounds like I'm going to be doing some designing. That will be great experience for next year when I take my design classes.

Oh and on other news, I passed all my classes at IIT!!! Granted I didn't do a stellar job (basically straight C's with a B thrown in...) but never the less I passed!!! I'm very relieved to know that I don't have to retake anything at Purdue, but I am a few credits shy of a full time student, so I may just be able to pick up a 'fun' elective course. I'm open to suggestions though I think Flower Arraigning would be a good pick. I was saving those credits in case I had to retake.

I have a place to live in B'lore now, so no sweat there thank goodness. I'll put up my new address once I figure it out exactly :o)

*missing home... please send love*


yizsa said...

hey girl! glad u are having fun. good job on passing IIT! hehehe. hope your internship will be a great experience. miss ya, american.. :)

mei said...

hey friend... i just got back to singapore this morning.. am in sch now for my final year project....

yup miss you loads.. would update my blog soon... i had loads of fun.... hope to catch u on gtalk..

hugs and kisses

Vikash said...

how is your work in banglore..?