Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Well I was hoping to upload some pictures today of Malaysia but this computer is fighting me tooth and nail!! So hopefully soon I will be able to post some photos.

In the mean time, here's what I've been up to:

I left Mei and Singapore on Monday morning and headed to a small town on the western coast called Melaka for two nights. I met a great Canadian lady Robin and we've been traveling together for the last three days now.

In Melaka, the guest house I stayed in was pretty basic, but then again what do you expect for $5 a night?? The owners were interesting, I think they were high sometimes... but pleasent enough. The town in pretty small and everything is walkable which is nice. Robin and I spent a lot of time exploring the town just meandering down streets and into shops.

On Wednesday we left for Kuala Lumpur (KL) the capital of Malaysia. It is an impressive city really, very modern and surprisingly clean. We had a mad hunt for this Orchid Garden which we finally found, the flowers were pretty but not worth the freakin' long walk we took to get there. We ended up finding this really cute place to eat lunch, no one spoke English, so we just sort of winged it. We ended up getting rice with pineapple, fried tofu with chili sauce, and fried bananas. Quite tasty!!

In the night we went to visit the Patronas Twin Towers. They used to be the tallest towers in the world until Taipei (?) 101 overtook them, now the tower in Dubai is passing 101. They were STUNNING at night. I wish I could put up pics... later I suppose.

Today I leave for the Cameron Highlands to do some hiking and chilling out there. Robin is staying in KL so I'm on my own for a bit :) They have a butterfly museum so I'll be on the lookout for mating butterflies to add to my collection!! haha

All for now - hope pics are coming soon.

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