Monday, July 21, 2008

Since I've been home

I'm home in CO now, and it feels great. I was really ready to get home after being gone for two full months. It's strange as I was gone much longer when I was studying abroad in India, but I guess that is how it goes sometimes.

Overall my trip was amazing. I met wonderful people, ate marvelous food, bought some interesting things, and saw phenomenal places and sights. Now that I'm home I'm looking forward to my grand entrance into the real world. I feel like my 'entrance' will be more of a stumble, catch myself, try not to trip again, stutter at the microphone and awkwardly curtsy more than the flawless leap and pirouette I'm going for. But never the less, I'm going. I'm excited and I'm nervous.

I don't own a bed yet... that will have to be purchased once I arrive in Chicago and I see just how much space I actually have to play around with. It's quite painful having to buy it there with the OUTRAGEOUS 10.25% sales tax (seriously!!). I'm not 100% sure what I'll do just yet, but whatever it is, I'll figure it out I'm sure. I've got a list of other things that Mark and I need for our apartment which is going to be so wonderful! Ghetto fabulous is what we are going for here. My mother has generously offered us the couch and chair from our family room and the kitchen table with chairs. So we are partially furnished! Mark's family has also generously offered various pieces for the apartment, so we are going with the ecclectic theme I believe.

I'm nervous about starting work, excited for a new city, concerned about finding new friends, anxious about driving in a new place, thrilled about having another life adventure, saddened about not returning to my marvelous friends of Purdue... and many other emotions all swirling about. I'm laughing it off now, but movers come in two days - I really need to get going on organizing my life!!!

1 comment:

Vartika said...

you speak for all of us...
when you speak about this new life awaiting!