Sunday, March 08, 2015

March update

So I'm trying to do better about keeping up my New Year's Resolutions for a full year.  I had 3 key targets this year and I'm already behind (sigh.)

  1. Try a new recipe a month - check
  2. Read one book a month - behind (sad face)
  3. Move more - half check?
The recipe a month target has proven simple enough to keep up with as I'm doing a lot more cooking now than in the past.  My boyfriend is a particular eater so his nuances are inspiring me to try other things and also to perfect some of the recipes I know he will eat and enjoy.  My most recent attempt at perfection is snicker doodle cookies.  Not sure what I'm going to try this month, probably something with udon noodles as I've gotten on a Thai/Asian kick lately.

The book a month goal is what has proven to get be behind.  I enjoy reading for the most part.  It's not a chore or something that I don't like to do.  I am not the fastest reader and I typically would rather spend time with other people or surf the net than sit down to read.  They are not good excuses for why I'm behind, but I'm going to do my best to catch up this month and hopefully be back on schedule by April.... maybe.

The moving more piece is half checked.  I'm doing much better about getting on my bike and putting the miles on in preparation for my metric century in April.  However, I'm not as consistent as I need to be during the week.  I can blame everything from a busy work schedule to early sunsets to lack of motivation and they would all simply be excuses.  I can make time for the things I find important.  Truth is, I like to ride my bike but not as much as I like to make dinner, snuggle with my boyfriend, or even just surf the net and chill out.  It's not a good excuse as there are more than enough great reasons to exercise, but getting myself to commit and go out and move isn't always easy.

On the diet portion of the healthier life, I've slipped a bit.  I've let myself have some Easter candy and cookies (Snicker doodle anyone?) and in general I've let myself have more "cheat days" than I should. But in general I think I'm still more or less on track.  I'll do great for 4 days and then have a day or two of slip, then back to it.  I'm working on drinking more water.  I do that with caffeine free teas and just plan water.  I really like this Good Earth brand tea that makes a super strong, spicy, sweet tea without sugar.  I could drink a few cups a day of that stuff I think.  So working on the 64 oz a day target is the mini goal for this week in regards to the diet.  

How's everyone else progressing on their resolutions?  How can I help?  Did you make any?  You can make March Resolutions instead!

Oh yea - Pi Day is coming up everyone!  Be sure you celebrate your favorite irrational number, unless your's is "e," in which case... you missed it back in February if you're into that type of thing. 

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