Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Nothing much has changed

All of last week I was in training to learn how to make powdered laundry detergent.  Pretty interesting stuff really, if you are a technical person who appreciates things like swirl nozzles in spray jets.  It was an intense week with long hours and a lot of power point presentations.  I did meet some really great people and had my third experience with professional translators.  Speaking through a translator is really tricky.  You are half consumed with speaking clearly and slowly and half annoyed that someone else is speaking at the same time you are.  For me, I never speak slowly enough and get really frazzled when someone is talking over me.  I'm not very good at it....
This weekend was also a four day weekend here in Brazil.  I wish I had planned something adventurous and exciting but I didn't.  I really hate traveling alone and that is what I would have had to do.  It is still slow going on the friends front and so if I were to go somewhere, it would have been alone.  I decided against it.  I wish I hadn't.  It was long solitary weekend.

On the plus side, I did meet up with a few people from couchsurfing and went to a gay bar with them.  Campinas is the Gay capital of Brazil (from what I understand) so it was a well attended gathering.  I drank a caparinha too many and was pretty worthless for the next day.  Spent all day watching TV on my laptop and trying to convince myself to eat something.  Not all decisions are good decisions.  BUT - I did meet some new people, and got out of my apartment, so that is great.

Forced myself to work out this morning.  i give myself about 75% on that effort - but i did get sweaty.  so not all is lost.

Making friends.... how on Earth do you go about doing that exactly??  *sigh*

1 comment:

foto4lizzie said...

I face the same thing whenever I go on a new assignment! I'm lucky that I have other english speakers I work with who can act as my friends. The worst assignment by far was Louisiana, I didn't really have any friends until part way through. I was bored and a little depressed - and I was in the US!

Goodluck! If I figure something out I'll be sure to let you know. :-)