Friday, September 10, 2010

The Pros and the Cons

So... I've been in Brazil for 2 months now.  My Portuguese is arguably better than when I arrived (this only means I've progressed from the grunt and point method of communication to the name object but still point because I've butchered the pronunciation to the point that it might be a grunt but no one is really sure so they just smile at me method).  I've gained some form of understanding regarding my job at work (although even that I'm not sure about).  And most recently, I may have made a friend.  Like a real one, not a pay for friend, or a pity friend.  But we'll see... can't count your friends too soon else they freak out about being your only friend and leave you friendless because you're the weird foreign girl who just wants someone to talk to...

Here is a brief summary - a list - of what I enjoy and what I'm struggling to enjoy here in Brazil.

  • Pao de Quijo - Bread of Cheese is the translation and it is scrumptious, arguably an acquired taste, but I acquired it and love it!
  • The hug and cheek kiss form of greeting - yes it was a bit strange at first but now I enjoy feeling like the person I am meeting is warm and kind by nature without pretense
  • The large joint bottle of beer - at restaurants you get a big bottle of beer and share with everyone at the table.  I love this because I can drink a small glass or 12 small glasses, but I'm never drinking alone!
  • People's patience with me when I attempt to speak Portuguese.  Most people I meet are very willing to work with me and try to understand what I'm saying.  It's flattering really. 
  • Constant little discoveries about both Brazil and myself.
  • The toilets inability to flush paper - I always have a piece that remains there, lingering...unless I flush for like 2 whole minutes
  • The coffee - I don't enjoy espresso and I really don't enjoy instant espresso or vending machine espresso.  And the plastic Dixie cup is not a coffee cup. Give me a proper mug with coffee, skim, and a pack of Splenda please!!
  • Woman's clothing at the gym - full body spandex suits are great if you are in a workout video from the eighties, but please take your magic eye onesie away from me!
  • Water that is not safe to drink straight from the tap.  I think potable water is either something I take for granted or something that other (developed) countries have severely mistaken as optional.  If you have the equivalent of Easy Pass for toll roads I think safe drinking water should have been solved a while ago.
  • The number of plastic surgery clinics (or rather the med-spa) near me  - every time I walk past I think... should I get something sucked, tucked, zapped, or enlarged?  No - no I should not. 
These lists are ever increasing - hopefully the Loves list grows faster than the struggles list. I'm sure it will.  Everything can only get better as my language skills improve!!

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    CACKLING at the Spandex comment!!! LOVE YOU SEXY LADY!!