Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Katie Hamilton!

Today is a very very special day indeed.  On this date (some 25 years ago) my GREAT friend Katherine A Hamilton was born.  Little did the world know what just happened.... little did the rest of us.

Katie is awesome... But pictures are worth more than words... so here are a collection of her and I.  Traveling the world and being amazing.

Happy Birthday Katie!  Sorry I cannot be with you to celebrate.  Miss you and Love you!
When Katie and I first met.  RA training Fall 2007
Kaite, me, and Vicky - Power rangers for B-Fast club!
We were still smiling after completing our first full 7 days together, 24 hours each day.  Roatan, Honduras Spring Break 2008
Roatan, Honduras - where we learned how well we traveled together
We did it!!  Katie is an ME, I am a ChemE.  We both got GREAT jobs coming out of school and we both are still very happy.  Lucky for us, Purdue let us go!!
Graduation Trip - Morocco!  Summer 2008
Katie and Nabil... little did we know about Nabil...
I think this might be the wedding photo... We still aren't really sure what happened that night with Nabil and Katie... But Katie got a great magic eye dress out of the deal and we both got Henna tattoos.  Mine was like a gross green blob on my leg, Katie's was nice.  Lucky bride...
Still smiling after another 7 days straight together in Morocco!
Katie and I kissing Humpty Dumpty in Las Vegas (Feb 14th 2009).  Humpty is such a stud for Valentines Day!!
Stipper 101 Class in Vegas!!  We are fully trained in lap dances and completed beginner pole dancing!

When I moved to NYC, Katie and I got to see each other much more frequently.  This might be my favorite weekend though - when we got to play MUD VOLLEYBALL with her coworkers!  Katie, you always do such cool things!
Katie in Peru (Spring 2010) she wasn't doing so well with the elevation. 
On our accent up towards Macchu Picchu (PS Katie - where is my Do the 'Chu shirt??)
We made it!!  And yes - still smiling!!
Next on the docket:  Brazil 2011!!!  Get excited - because I know I am!

Miss you Ms. Hamilton - so lucky to have you in my life!  *Abracos*  

1 comment:

Sokerchick said...

I bring your shirt when I visit! Or you can send me you address and I'll mail it to you!