Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I have been changed For Good....

"Who can say if I've been changed for the better
But because I knew you
I have been changed
For Good."

These are the lyrics to a wonderful song in the show Wicked which I thoroughly enjoyed both times I've seen it. It is a delightfully fun play (if you are into plays of course). For some reason it popped into my head and I immediately started thinking about Ms. Lacy Morris and all my wonderful friends back in NYC. As I was on the bus home from work staring out the window, I started to think just how much a year in NYC altered my course.

A few things that I still do because I lived in NYC with Lacy
1. Drink copious amounts of water
2. Attempt to work out
3. Blow dry my hair (or I plan to once my hair dryer makes it here!)
4. Debate shoe purchases of hundreds of dollars
5. Make veggies in the oven with olive oil, salt, and pepper
6. Consider weather or not I can wear red shoes with a red shirt or if that is too much red (I have been told that is too much red... I tend to disagree)

"And now whatever way our stories end
I know you have rewritten my by being my friend"

Now that I no longer live in NYC (tears!) here are a few things I no longer do:
1. Eat Dove dark chocolate or even buy chocolate
2. Drink wine on the weekends (I've switched to caparinhas)
3. Watch reality TV - I am blissfully unaware of any news relating to the Kardashians, John and Kate, that couple that live in Chicago... I think she works for E or something....
4. Take long walks as a form of exercise - this is a real shame
5. Ride my bike along a glorious waterfront path (despite the pedestrian traffic)

"Who can say if I have been changed for the better
I do believe I have been changed for the better
Because I knew you, I have been changed
For Good."

I've been asked multiple times if I like Brazil and what I miss about home. I do like Brazil, it is different, it is personally challenging in ways I never thought about before coming, and it has given me an opportunity to really work on some self improvement. And yes, I miss home. More specifically I miss my family and my friends. It is always the people and it will always be the people. I'm not very good at keeping in touch with people. It isn't so much the out of sight, out of mind (because I promise you are not out of mind); I'm just bad at it. Perhaps I should add this to the list of self improvement opportunities that I am working on down here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you sweetie:) You've changed me too!!! I have a beautiful Cannondale cyclocross sitting in my living room now:)I also have a focus on optimism and surrounding myself with AMAZING optimists like you! You are a great listener and friend to all and you NEVER judge. Thank you for all sharing all of those wonderful traits with me!!! Smarty pants...I never did get your Scientific jokes but I appreciate that you love them:)PS: Everytime I buy makeup I see porcelain (shade) and I think of you too:)