Last weekend I took the first of what will hopefully be many small weekend getaways. Christian flew in from the US to visit Pia (a mutual friend) and Pia took us both down to the south for the weekend. We visited his uncle's small farm, met his older brother and sister, met his mom and dad, rode horses, took a delightful train ride, ate more food than I care to admit, spent hours in a car listening to America's top 40, discovered a delicious snack I will call Peanut Butter Tater Tots, and managed to not freeze to death over night. We did plenty of laughing and there were plenty of awkward silences when Christian shared some of his Portuguese knowledge. He only knows the bad words (which I avoided learning on purpose) so it made for some wonderful jokes that I totally didn't understand but the rest of the group always were in stitches laughing or being delightfully awkward.
Here are some pictures to help capture the weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and hope to make it back to visit again for more horseback riding, lake swimming, and if I'm really lucky... RIVER TUBING straight into the ocean!!! I have yet to swim in an ocean south of the equator - I think that must be fixed this year!!
Here are some pictures to help capture the weekend. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and hope to make it back to visit again for more horseback riding, lake swimming, and if I'm really lucky... RIVER TUBING straight into the ocean!!! I have yet to swim in an ocean south of the equator - I think that must be fixed this year!!
Also, looks like you had a fun trip! :) Love the horses!
Wonderful pictures!!! A pleasurable read, keep up the great blogging.
Peanut Butter Tater tots might be the greatest find ever. If I had to describe them differently, I would say they are the inside of a Reese's PB cub, but in a tater tot shape without the chocolate. Any not quite so creamy - basically they are delicious!
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