Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Beyond Busy

I've got four quizzes, three assignment submissions, plus a design project to work on this week. Mind you this week is the week before finals, basically IIT's version of Dead Week. Doesn't feel too dead though... wish me luck please because I'm going to need it to get through the next few days, and all of next week.

Siddharth and I booked tickets to Bangalore and I'm getting pretty excited about going. It is going to be great to have a change of scenery and of course hang out without silly IIT rules and assignments to worry about.

I hope everyone at home is doing well, I'm just trying to keep my head above water.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kiddo,
Been awhile since I popped in. Looks like fun as usual. Great that mom was able to visit. You guys look very happy.
Proud of you - keep of the good work. Your going to do do awesome on your tests - no luck needed.
Best to you.
Sonja (unity)