Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm getting closer! As I sit quite literally counting the days I've found myself a bit melancholy about my departure. I've begun to realize how much I'm going to miss by not being at Purdue next semester. I understand the experiences that I'm opting out of are going to be replaced by a far more exciting adventure, but it is still hard to think about missing them. My sorority big sis's wedding for example. I really wish I could see her look so beautiful, but it just isn't in the cards. Senior send off at my house, my 21st birthday, The Fray concert, and the countless hours of laughing in the library with my classmates. These are all things I'm giving up and I really hope that because I am that I'm not forgotten. I hope my friends don't forget about me, or don't treat me differently when I get back. Who's to say how I'll be different though? There always is a bit of a bitter side to every decision, just seems like the longer I'm here the more of it I see. I'm going to miss so many people. I'm going to miss growing certain relationships and sharing more experiences. I hope it is a good trade that I'm making... I'm certain it will be.


1 comment:

Daniel said...

I already miss you.