Thursday, November 30, 2006

We can't expect perfection

There is no reason why anyone should ever expect to achieve perfection. Yet when it comes to somethings, we hope, we strive, we work to attain something hopefully very close to flawless. I was all set to head to Chicago today to FINALLY obtain my student visa for India. I had my paperwork filled out, I had my financial arrangements papers, my passport, my money, everything all set except one little detail. I only had a copy of my admittance papers from IIT, not the original signed copy. I called and asked the consulate if this would be okay but I couldn't get a hold of anyone and seeing as it is quite the time commitment for me to go to Chicago I couldn't justify taking the risk of being turned away because of this. So why don't I just get the original you ask? Because it is currently in the wonderful process of being mailed to me. It was scanned and emailed to me the same day it was air mailed, yet I have yet to receive the paperwork. I've got only a limited number of days until I'm supposed to be on a plane and I do not have a visa... I'm trying really hard to stay calm and trust that it will all work out. I just hope this doesn't' destroy my plans and everything I've been looking forward to for almost a year and a half now.

I just wish this was a little more perfect...

*25 days*

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I just turned down my General Mills offer for the summer of 2007 internship in LA California. I am going on complete faith now that GE will pull through in India. I've been told numerous times that they are expecting me and that I most definitely have an offer and a job this summer. GEARE hasn't let me down yet so I'm sure it will in fact all work out but there is something disconcerting about turning down offers based simply on a verbal promise from a professor. On the plus side it is was cool to have an offer to turn down. General Mills really seems like an amazing company with all types of great people working there. I had a great plant trip with them and I will most definitely consider them for full time employment upon graduation. I'm hoping to have a bunch more offers to weigh come November/ December next year. It's been fun to see all the seniors going to plant trips all over the country and hearing about the recruiting process, I hope to be that lucky. I suppose I'll have a pretty good shot with international work experience under my belt, but then again I may have a GPA problem after taking my classes at IIT. I'm not sure how to explain that to recruiters... sorry my GPA is crappy, but I failed this class at IIT!! I doubt that will be as impressive to hear about. HAHA oh well, I'm sure I'll be fine, it's not like everyone at IIT is partying it up and never studying so I'll be in an environment that is conducive to extreme studying. CAN'T WAIT!!

*35 days*

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Sooner than you think

I filled out some paperwork for my stipend that I receive for going abroad today which made me feel pretty good. The program I'm going abroad with provides some funds in an attempt to make the experience close to 'financially neutral' as they call it. Basically they don't want cost to be a deterrent for study abroad. This made me pretty happy seeing as it is more than covering the cost of my airfare and housing for the semester. Granted I am probably going to spend a ton of money just traveling around because lets be honest, if I'm in India I'm going to try to explore all of it!

I have been getting asked a lot recently if I'm nervous or not. I sort of smirk whenever I'm asked because how do you really answer that? If you say yes and launch into a series of reasons like "I'm not going to know anyone, I'm going to be the only white female, I'm not going to speak the local language, I'm going to be literally halfway around the world from anything I know or have ever know or could ever consider familiar' you get all worried and start thinking maybe I should just stay. But if you say no you aren't nervous they laugh at you and ask in a semi-condescending tone why not. I sort of play it off like, yes but I'm more excited than nervous. That usually suffices as a good enough answer for them and I'm spared the barrage of safety questions.

*40 days*

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I'm getting closer! As I sit quite literally counting the days I've found myself a bit melancholy about my departure. I've begun to realize how much I'm going to miss by not being at Purdue next semester. I understand the experiences that I'm opting out of are going to be replaced by a far more exciting adventure, but it is still hard to think about missing them. My sorority big sis's wedding for example. I really wish I could see her look so beautiful, but it just isn't in the cards. Senior send off at my house, my 21st birthday, The Fray concert, and the countless hours of laughing in the library with my classmates. These are all things I'm giving up and I really hope that because I am that I'm not forgotten. I hope my friends don't forget about me, or don't treat me differently when I get back. Who's to say how I'll be different though? There always is a bit of a bitter side to every decision, just seems like the longer I'm here the more of it I see. I'm going to miss so many people. I'm going to miss growing certain relationships and sharing more experiences. I hope it is a good trade that I'm making... I'm certain it will be.
