Saturday, January 17, 2015

New Years Resolution Update: Moving more

This year's resolution has 3 basic parts which you can reference here.  Today I'm going to update you on my progress relating to Moving More.  As with every other year that I've put together resolutions I think it is important to do something about overall health and well being.  I'm not above using the typical "lose weight" goal.  In fact I've used it myself, and in all honesty the "move more, eat clean, crunch often" portion of this year's resolution is pretty much the same thing.   It's not so much about actually loosing mass (you know, making the numbers on the scale go down) as much as it is about becoming more confident in who I am both inside and out.  Eating clean and moving more is about learning what my body can do when it is fed right and fueled well and asked to do things that it is designed to do.  The "crunch often" is sort of a fun tongue and cheek reference to the unending search for the perfect abs.

So - what's the update?  Well... I signed up for a metric century ride!  In April there is a great women's only ride that is pretty close that will be 65 miles long.  While no stranger to longer rides, this one is the first since my hip put me off the bike for about 18 months.  I'm not happy about those 18 months and honestly I'm embarrassed about the lack of miles I've put on my bike.  So, what better way to get the mileage back up than to get it in gear and train for a ride?!  I cannot think of one.  So today was a riding clinic for the ladies that will riding from the Bay Area (and who actually knew about the clinic.)  I only had one spill, which was mostly my fault and a bit of the clip-in pedals' fault.  But it's not about blame, it' about getting better and mastering the very important art of emergency stopping.  I'm really excited about getting back on the bike - like really excited about it.  Aside from the clinic, there is a women's cycling club that is doing weekly training rides in preparation for the ride.  So not only did I get a nice clinic to start out the training, but every week there are other women who will be riding gently increasing distances toward the 65 miles in preparation for the ride.  Can we say potential friends?!  Goodness I hope so!!

I also signed onto "HabitForge" which is going to help me keep to my goal of steadily increasing steps each day.  I've set a goal of 10,000 steps gently increasing by 500 every 2 weeks.  Since we are now past Jan 15th, I'm at 10,500 step goal, on Feb 1 it will be 11,000.  At some point it will have to stop because it will not be feasible, but I figure when I tie in the cycling I'll be doing and the steady increase in steps I'll be able to confidently say that I achieved my goal of Moving More in 2015.

Wish me luck!!!

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