Tuesday, January 06, 2015

January Resolution Update

In my last post I mentioned a few new year's resolutions, specifically reading a book a month and trying a new recipe a month.  I'm in the middle of reading The Glassblower (book one of the trilogy) now, which I'll review when I'm done.  By review I mean provide my uneducated opinion about the story, comment on my entertainment level, and if I thought it was well written.  I must emphasize the point about being an uneducated opinion, but mine none the less.

In regards to the new recipe resolution, I tried my hand at goat cheese stuffed pomegranate chicken tonight.  It turned out rather well, if you like goat cheese and pomegranate.  The balsamic reduction was a bit too sweet in my opinion, so I would probably omit the brown sugar or half it at the most.  But if you don't like balsamic then you may like the added sweetness to help cut the acid of the vinegar.  I served it with a salad and some simple quinoa.  In general I really enjoyed it.  My dinner guest was very polite about it and simply said "I'm not a big fan of goat cheese."  I laughed, who doesn't like goat cheese?!?  I'd make it again but not for this same individual who so kindly was willing to be a guinea pig, and I'd cut the sugar.

Some other learnings: timing of meals is important.  Despite my best effort, the quinoa was done about 20 minutes before the chicken.  Mainly because the chicken took about 15 minutes longer than I planned.  Also, when adding salt to quinoa it's always best to give the dish a minute to let the salt really settle.  I slightly over salted and there is no undoing that mistake.

Update on the eating clean, moving more goal is pending.  So far I'm keeping up with my step target but some days have been really close.  Poor Bailey has had to go for many a walk to help me with this one, but I don't think she minds too much.

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