Saturday, January 03, 2015

Life Plan vs Career Plan - Resolving in 2015

So it's the start of a new year.  A lot of times I set some resolutions about being healthier, learning something new, experiencing something different.  This year I've mulled over a few ideas on what I can improve upon or "resolve" for 2015.  But really... I want to spend this year working on setting some life directions and getting a "life plan" together.  Ever since my mentor made a comment about my career plan and my life plan needing to compliment each other versus one (aka career plan) dominating the other I've been thinking about how to make that happen.

I like California, a lot.  I like the quality of life here.  I like the people (one gentleman in particular...) and the overall pace of the place.  I like how international it is and the diversity is great.  I enjoy the activities and events that are nearby.  I really like the outdoors here also.  Hiking and biking, and coasts and mountains, and beautiful scenery and wildlife.  It's pretty great here.  I like it.  I am maybe thinking about staying... but we know what that means.

A few goals for this year:

  • Read a book a month - this is a repeat from previous years that I failed miserably so I'll try again
  • Try a new recipe a month - I'm doing a lot more cooking and this seems like a doable challenge, who knows maybe I'll fall in love with cucumbers or learn to make a great reduction or something.
  • Eat cleaner, move more, crunch often:  Every year I say I'll do something about my health/weight.  This year I'm setting simpler goals like this one.
So... a life plan.... what the hell is that?  In a previous post I mentioned that I still have a fairy tale view of what I want my life to be like.  I don't think that view is wrong, it's fanciful but still delightful.  I feel like maybe what I want is a sense of purpose and direction.  I'm going to need to mull this over more... not sure what a life plan means but I like the sound of having one.  Like I'm maybe making a map for my life, laying out some milestones and highlighting some scenic points to pause and take in the view.  I need to think more about this....

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