Sunday, July 17, 2011

Much has Changed

A few weeks back I uprooted again and transplanted myself in Cape Girardeau, MO as I previously mentioned.  I have been here for just over 2 weeks now and I can safely say, I am surprised with how much I enjoy it.  Now, please remember that I am coming in with all the expectations a super small town can demand, basically zero.  Best way I can describe it is Cape is a small town that does not believe it is a small town.  They have a small but decent mall with a Macys, JC Penny (containing a Sophora!!), Victoria's Secret, The Buckle, Barnes and Nobel (with Starbucks), and a few other smaller clothing stores as well.  There is a Best Buy, Target, Walmart, Sears, Lowes,  a few movie theaters, and a handful of strip malls containing delis, dry cleaners, small boutiques etc.  Over all, Cape has pretty much everything you could need without having a lot of extras.  

When you drive down the interstate you feel a bit like the big box stores decided there should be a town, they set up shop and as the adage goes "if you build it, they will come."  I think there is a small ring of truth to that.  However, as you venture to the "historic" downtown, you find some small town charm, the Cup and Cork coffee/wine shop, the small antique stores that never seem to have anyone inside, and the roaring Mississippi River.  There is a surprisingly beautiful bridge that crosses the river to Illinois which is a striking landmark.  Unfortunately the only thing on the other side to greet you are a few seedy looking strip clubs that are open until 4AM (unlike the Cape bars which close at 1:30AM). 

I think I will be find here, I have met some great people through an old Purdue acquaintance of mine who has been invaluable in helping me feel welcome.  I get to move into my apartment next week (the Holiday Inn is home currently) and I am very excited to start setting up.  I have made two big purchases since arriving, my new leather couch:

I bought a matching chair too but am debating the ottoman vs coffee table...
and... the biggest purchase of my ENTIRE LIFE (and the biggest reminder that a signature really can change your life....) my new 2012 Ford Focus Hatchback!
Isn't she pretty?!?

This coming week I have training, all week!  Over the weekend I will finally get keys to my new apartment and I will start to move in, buy all the necessities, and prepare for the movers who are hopefully coming on Monday!!  Fingers crossed!!

1 comment:

sandra almeida said...

Hey Allison
I am glad you are enjoying Cape. I hope we can talk soon. I want to know all the news!!!!
By the way, awesome car. Very very nice.
Take care