Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wow it has been forever

I have gone over a month without a blog post... that is crazy.  I try not to let it get that out of reach to recover from, but this time it all just slipped through my fingers.  Work is busy.  Life is changing.  Heart is healthy and breaking over and over.  Smiles are forming.  Tears have flowed but not in the volume I was expecting.  Lessons have been learned and are being learned every moment.  Most importantly, I am growing.  

This move to Cape has been different from any I have done to date, but in many ways it has been the "easiest."  Perhaps I have gotten good at moving.  I am learning to be my own best friend and I am okay with the first few minutes of extreme awkwardness when you are out and about by yourself.  Perhaps it is because I have found friends faster than in any other move I have done.  Perhaps it is because I am back to the familiar.  Whatever the reason, things are good.

I am loving my work - although I am not sure it is what I want forever.  It is a remarkable next step in my development.  

All this good news aside, I think what has made the biggest difference is being back close to the people I love and who love me unconditionally.  I am talking to my parents with greater frequency.  I am connecting with old friends more often.  For the first time in almost all of my moves, I don't feel like I left my greatest friends behind with my move back to the US.  I kept my wonderful Brazilian friends, and I hope beyond hope that I am able to keep up with that.

Life is good.


NYC said...

Good luck in MO - it sounds like you're doing great! Hope to talk soon.

Sokerchick said...

I'm very excited that this has been an easier transition for you. I'm also super excited that you're within a reasonable distance from Chicago now!!!