Wednesday, September 22, 2010

They took my pie point....

So in true Smith Family fashion (my mom's side of the family)  I always save the point of my pie to eat last and make a wish.  Plenty of people (some in my own family) think this is absurd and super silly.  I'm of the belief of "who cares, I can use all the magic I can get - real or invented!"  Thus I still cut off the tip of my piece of pie and carefully move it to the side before diving into the rest.  Sometimes I eat the piece backwards which saves the point also.  I thought I was wildly clever when I thought of this method of point saving.

Anyway - I had a small piece of pie tonight for dessert and the damn waiter took my plate with my point still sitting there waiting to be wished upon.  I put my fork down to sip some H2OH (a favorite Brazilian drink) and the blasted waiter snatched my plate before I could do anything.

So I am very sad to report today that a pie point went not only uneaten, which is a sin in itself, but it also went un-wished upon.  I am sorry.  I will try to do better next time.

In other news - Brazil is going well enough.  Two days of off site training/team building this week which is fun - but I realize everyday how terrible my Portuguese is.  Some days I would do almost anything to just understand and contribute to conversations.  I realize that everyday is getting better though.  I understand more and I am able to say more.  So this is progress!!

1 comment:

Sidd said...

awwww.... damn that waiter :)