Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Stretching at work?! (Days 10-12)

Twice a day there is a trainer of sorts who comes into the office and performs about 10 minutes of "gymnastics" with all the office staff. We do stretches and light resistance training with stretch bands. Sometimes we have other props. Twice a day this happens; and twice a day I nearly loose it laughing as a group of us stand in a circle trying in vein to touch our toes.

These trainers do this for the entire plant, including the line operators to keep them moving and to help avoid fatigue. As silly as I feel while I'm doing it, it feels nice when I'm done. It helps perk me up around 3pm that is for sure! It is amazing what just 10 minutes of standing and stretching can do to keep you alert.

Planning to have dinner with Sandra, Carolina, Pia, and a few others tonight. We are going to a seafood place and I'm pretty excited! I'll try to remember to snap a few pictures.


Daniel said...


Just caught up on your travels. Sounds like its going awesome. Your apartment looks pretty excellent.

Lemme know when you are free, we should skype sometime :)


Sokerchick said...

I wish we did that. At 3 I tend to fall asleep!