Tuesday, July 13, 2010

First days at the work (days 4-6)

My first few days at work have been an adventure in language skills and professional development. I've had dozens of conversations with the administrative assistant about my apartment situation, legal issues around registering with the federal police, getting my insurance arranged, etc. And there is still much to do in all of these areas (makes you wonder what the HR department does all day when they never seem to be able to help you). I spoke withe the plant manager about my role and my expectations. I've been on a handful of tours around the plant. I've eaten in the cafeteria, and I've twiddled my thumbs a good bit too.

My job is pretty straight forward. Reduce 'give-away' or over pack in the factory. This is when we fill more than the declared amount on pack. For example we have 1kg cartons of detergent, we actually fill it with 1.05kg of detergent. This is 5% 'give-away'. The economics of this are huge when you multiply out 5 grams by the volume produced at the plant. The reason it is going to take me a year, is because the solution is not so straight forward. Also, the plant is using this project as a guide for training their managers on Six Sigma. The plan is for me and a few others to begin six sigma training using 'give-away' as our project. Ideally this will result in the group being black belt certified in six sigma in addition to saving the company, millions -quite literally.

I also took a mini-video tour of my apartment so people can see where I am living. I had to do it in 3 parts partially because of my camera's limitations, and partially because of user error. However the 3rd part isn't cooperating and will not upload (probably more user error). I'll work on getting the 3rd part up, but enjoy the first two! I'll try to remember to take another tour when my things arrive and I have made the space a bit more 'homey'.

Hope all is well at home! Miss you all!!

Apartment Tour 1/3

Apartment tour 2/3

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