Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I want to title everything - Random stuff..

So I'm going into week three and things are slowly getting better. Work is getting more promising and I'm more comfortable with my neighborhood. I took a little walk around for a few hours on Sunday to find where things are and what is within walking distance. There still is a lot to wander around, but I try not to get too lost so I tend to stay closer to home. My Portuguese is still pretty rough, but recently I've tried a new tactic of just talking. Not focusing on being 100% correct, but just going for it. My Portuguese classes have started up again as well so that will help. I have class two days a week for 1.5 hours. This is nice, but that also means I have homework again and I really really really don't like doing the homework! After Purdue, I'm not interested in any more homework.

I've also started looking into some trips around that might be fun to take. Brazil is certaintly a huge country (5th largest in the world!) and I want to see as much as I can. Of course all of South America is tempting to go explore as well! Everything seems so close and accessible now that I'm already down here. So I'm starting a small list of places and working on crossing them off. Although I realized that I have a small problem. I'm almost out of pages in my passport... I have to get to Sao Paulo to the embassy to get new pages added - it will cost me $82 which I think is crap! Now the trick is finding time to go when the embassy is open! I'll manage though I'm sure :) It's sort of a fun problem to have really. Anyway - here are some photos from my recent weeks. Enjoy!

My first real dinner in my apartment. Spinache linguine with tomatoes, onions, and chicken breast. It was actually mighty tasty. And yes, that is freshly grated Parmesan cheese on top.

This single's bar is mighty close to my apartment. It makes me a bit uncomfortable... I think the name bothers me most of all.

I stumbled upon a store that apparently sells naked mannequins. If they sold clothes as well, I couldn't tell.

I should be living here I think... more my scene anyway

Translation: Floors, stairs, decks, tacos... I'm missing something I'm sure.

This one is for you mom! I live right next to a fancy clinic where they apparently have microscopes and such to do their fancy tests!

The Indaiatuba Rodeo?! Heck yes I'm going to try to go!!

My building has the worlds smallest pool. There is no trickery of the lens here, the pool really is only about two chase lounge lengths long... and 90cm deep.


Sokerchick said...

So fun to see all of your pictures! It was also great getting to skype. We should do that more often.

You should try out the singles bar once you get better at portugese. If you need a wingman for it we can go together when I visit!

Dinner looked yummy. Much better than the takeout crap I've been eating for the last month. I need to get motivated about cooking.

Sidd said...

that chicken looks *mighty* tempting!! :)