Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Do the ´CHU

So going to Machu Picchu was one of the best decisions I think Katie or I could have made. It is epically beautiful and pictures simply do not do it justice. The adventure up to Aguas Calientes and then on to MP went well enough (although the ´walk´up is really more like an 8km stair master event). The return trip was a bit more memorable for less than great reasons, but we won´t dwell. The point is... Katie and I Did the ´CHU! (oh and we are making T-shirts that say Do the ´Chu. We are thinking of trademarking and selling them in a stall near MP... we´ll make millions we´re sure of it!)

Here is our journey in photos - the best way to share!

On the train... just waiting to get to Aguas Calientes where we stayed the night to get up at 3:45 to walk up to MP

The beginning of the walk up... this was actually taken on our way down, seeing as at 5:00am there is no sun out...

The BEAUTIFUL river and mountains... the pictures really don´t cut it..

Taking a breather... this climb was a bit more difficult than I had planned for.. Katie seemed to soar up the freakin´mountain!

But it was totally worth it when this is the view that greets you at the top.
Standard postcard photo

Soooo beautiful!
The ´care takers hut´where you can look out across all of the ruins. The typical ´postcard photo is always taken at this point.

Katie and I just chillin´at the ruins!

Nothing like sitting on the walls of Inca ruins!
On the hike back down... once again the photos do not do this scenery justice...

Do the ´Chu. Did the ´Chu. Done the ´CHU!!!


ICLLC said...

Stunning photos! It looks like Machu PIcchu is almost as beautiful as you :)

Anonymous said...

So beautiful, Little! Thanks so much for sharing with us! I'm sure you're right, pictures probably don't do it justice!

Mark said...

Looks like such a fun trip so far! I love reading about it! The pictures are amazing too. Miss you!

Sidd said...

Love the pics Bachchoo. :)
And I would definitely buy the t-shirts :D

Daniel said...

Beautiful pictures, looks like a ton of fun climbing these peaks.