Friday, May 25, 2007


So it’s been quite sometime since my last post. Sorry bout that! I’ve been getting myself settled in B’lore (note the updated address) and trying not to lose my mind out of boredom at work. Last weekend Sidd and I went to Mysore which is a town about three hours by bus from B’lore. It took us four hours because we had to cross the length of B’lore to catch the bus. We had a very nice time exploring the city. On the first day we slept in a bit which was a nice break from getting up early for work. We met this very cute kid who took it upon himself to show us a bit of the town. Granted we ended up at his house were his parents sold incense and oils, but he was still a fun kid. He took us to the English Market which sold a lot of produce and such things. Sort of interesting to see what a small town market was like. From there we went to see the famed Mysore palace. It was huge and very ornate. Lots of murals on the walls and of course a lot of Hindu gods and goddesses depicted all over the place. We also visited a garden famed for its illuminated fountains. It was there I met the tallest person I’ve ever seen in my life. I have photographic proof, see for yourself.

Market area
The Mysore Palace
In front of a temple outside the Mysore Palace
This is me in silhouette at a beautiful garden fountain.

Me and the tallest person I've ever seen!!

1 comment:

Daniel said...

Holy cow - that is one tall guy.

Can't wait to see you sometime in the next few months :)