Monday, January 08, 2007

Weekend out

Wow... what a weekend! Crazy, fun, scary, thrilling, all rolled into one activity packed two days. My Singaporean friends and I experienced some of Mumbai's night life which was a lot of fun. The clubs don't get busy until around 1 - 2am so the nights are pretty late around here. We registered at the Foreign Regional Registration Office on Saturday so the government knows that we are here for an extended period. In doing so I had my first Mumbai train experience which was crazy. The journey to downtown Mumbai was no problem at all, but on the way back... oh my goodness. I've never had so many people pressed up against me so close for so long. You couldn't move and you were being shoved this way and that and you're hanging out the doors trying to climb onto the train. This mind you was just the women's compartment. The men's cabin was worse with people smashed up against the walls, hanging even farther out the doors. The sheer number of people is staggering.

More tidbits:
* I had my first motorcycle ride which was lots of fun
* I got bullied by three or for beggar kids who felt it funny to shove me around
* I saw and ALMOST purchased chocolate opium cake

Computer is still struggling but hopefully I get it fixed soon.


Anonymous said...

what fun!! that's insane!
i so wish i could've seen you riding that motorcycle! you will have to learn to drive one and teach me!! hee hee :)
glad to hear that you are having a blast!! miss you! love ya!

Anonymous said...

Is chocolate opium cake kind of along the same lines of marijuana brownies? Just wondering.. I'm curious what kind of music they play in the clubs? Do they sell American drinks that you recognize? Motorcycle riding, I started a few years ago myself. Be careful - my sons racing bike bucked me off last year on mother's day & I still have a bump on my bum. So, what kind of stuff do you want us to send. Are there things that you can't get there or that you would like to have just for fun, like junk food??
Happy New Year - Sounds like the adventures keep coming.