Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Update to date

So first things first, my laptop is still not working much to my dismay. I've got to really do something about it because I'm starting to think it is serious and I don't want to spend tons of money - but then again I'll do what I have to do.

Classes have been okay so far, there really isn't much homework unlike Purdue. This means I don't feel as though I have a lot going on so I have a lot of free time. It really isn't that way because I need to be doing some self-teaching, getting myself up to speed and such on topics I haven't covered yet. I'll manage though, the professors seem like good people and willing to help if needed.

I went out again last weekend with some of the same people I met the prior weekend. I had a good time and met even more people which is always fun. I'm trying to make friends of course and now I have non-IITian friends!! Things are fun for sure. May and I hang out a lot and have fun. We talk boys and home and class and over all just enjoy our time. We are thinking about doing a weekend trip away from Mumbai over a long holiday that we have coming up. No news yet, still in the planning stages.

We attended a dramatics performance on campus a few days ago. That proved to be entertaining. All the plays were in Hindi with only a few lines in English. Based upon those few lines plus the expressions of the actors I could follow the story lines, but I never understood the jokes. All of a sudden the audience would erupt in laughter at something a character said but I didn't know what it was because it was in Hindi. It was still fun to go and watch. Two of the exchange students we extras in one of the plays, so May and I also went to be supportive of them.

Not much else is new, just shopping, class, friends, and planning excursions out and about. Learning random Hindi words too of course - mind you I never remember the words after hearing them but it is still fun to try.

*hope all is well back in the States*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure you will know a ton of Hindi words when you get back. Sigh, I'm only sad that I will not be able to share in them as inside jokes. Oh well, i'll always have "cookie" "crazy" "strange" etc. Miss you much and I hope your computer gets fixed soon!