Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Classes start to kick it - and LAN Ban

Classes are picking up pace with tutorial assignments and presentations. There really isn't any homework exactly rather in class tutorial assignments. Granted you can't finish the assignments unless you've already worked on them prior to coming to class - so it is sorta like homework. Oddly enough I'm glad for them b/c it means that I have something structured to work on. I was starting to get nervous that I hadn't been doing much for the past three weeks and when mid semester exams come around, I was going to be in trouble. This at least makes me feel like I'm doing something productive. I also have a presentation to give on superconductivity which I'm excited about. I don't know what level of detail I should go but either way its a subject that I enjoy. I hope it goes well.

Interesting development on campus though... they are shutting our internet off between the hours of 11pm until I believe 11am - or there abouts. The administration has decided this LAN ban will help with student depression, isolation of students, and a problem of students sleeping in class. The internet (specifically gaming) has been blamed for adding to much of a distraction to students and thus will not be permitted during those hours. Seems like total rubbish to me... How can I not be depressed now that I can't talk to home for half of the day, not to mention I'm already 12.5 hours in time difference. There is also a download restriction being put in place - I forget the exact amount to limit the obscene piracy that goes on. I understand that one, but restricting web access sounds a lot like censorship to me in many aspects. I'm not sure what exactly one does about something like this but the students are 'protesting' and signing petitions and such things. The other exchange students are upset as well and we are all trying to utilize whatever weight we have (which is basically zero) to convince the administration to change their mind. So in light of these new events I may be even slower to get back to emails and things.
Ban starts Friday...


Anonymous said...

the ban makes sense and sounds like a good idea at first, but when you mentioned your beef with it, i totally see your side AND the student side. the ban is ridiculous and should not be implemented. i hope that the students can change that for you. i don't want to wait forever for your e-mails!

Allison said...

Ban has been postponed for one month... doesn't really solve the problem but at least it isn't a consern for a while longer!

Daniel said...

Hey just wanted to say hi and let you know I've been reading this regularly. I hope everything is going well with you in that whole life changing experience sorta way!