Monday, December 04, 2006


It's finally off. All of my paperwork to get my student visa for India. It is now 100% out of my hands and all I get to do is sit and wait, sit and wonder if I remembered everything, filled everything out properly, paid the correct amount. I'm confident that I did, but you never know. There is really nothing left for me to do for India aside from a few logistical things here at Purdue and of course pack and get home! Not such an easy task I suppose. I'm getting nervous. No point in denying it. I'm nervous because this is quite possibly the biggest change in my life and I'm nervous. Halfway across the world makes the 1000 miles I've been away from home seem like a day trip. I'm going to India... what am I doing with my life... what am I doing...

Deep breath, it's worth it, I know it is. Thank you to everyone who has supplied me with such constant positive reinforcement and support. I'm going to miss you all so much!

*20 days*

1 comment:

Sidd said...

Hope you are not nervous anymore. Hope we ppl are making you comfortable her. :)