Saturday, September 21, 2013

Puppy Love

When I was about 6 or so, I locked myself in the bathroom for about 5 hours and said I wasn't coming out until I got a puppy.  I brought a note pad and pen into the bathroom with me along with an open gallon of orange juice.  I remember my dad getting down on this stomach and talking to me through the crack under the door and saying "honey, if I give you a puppy now, when you're 16 you're going to lock yourself into the bathroom again until I give you a Rolls Royce."  I didn't know what I Rolls Royce was but I remember promising I'd never ask for one (A promise I've lived up to so far!)  Somehow this logic was suppose to explain to me why I couldn't have a puppy.  No puppy because I can't have a Rolls Royce either.  Mind you, he did explain to me about taking care of it, walking it, feeding it, etc and how he didn't think we could take care of a puppy.  I just ignored that part because I was convinced that I could and would take care of the little pup!

I used the notepad and pencil to write a letter to my mom about why I would do a great job taking care of a dog.  I don't recall what my justification was, but I do remember sliding it under the door and having her say no just like dad.  I also drank the rest of the gallon of orange juice and started to feel really sick.

Needless to say, I didn't get a dog that day.  I did get a pretty bad stomach ache and a glimpse into the logic of adults.  

Fast forward 21 years or so and I still wanted a dog.  I never stopped wanting one, I simply grew to understand why my parents said no for forever.  I acknowledged that my lifestyle really wasn't conducive to a pet.  I travel a lot.  I work strange, long hours sometimes.  I lived in apartments with pet restrictions or additional costs.  A lot of good reasons why a dog didn't make sense.

Well, a few weeks ago I said "Screw it!" to logical reasons for why a dog was not a good idea in my life.  I went to the Humane Society and adopted Bailey.  A beautiful 8 month old Boxer mutt.  She is perfect.

Picking Bailey up from the vet after her spading surgery.

I adopted her on Saturday but I couldn't pick her up until Wednesday after her surgery.  I had to wait 4 full days until I got to take my new best friend home.  It was a tough wait, but it gave me time to get all her stuff together so she felt at home when I picked her up.  First order of business was the crate of course, then toys, treats, collar, etc.  I also opted for a seat belt for her!
Safety FIRST!!!  Doesn't she look cute in cute in her seat belt harness??
It didn't take long for her to capture my heart and keep me laughing.  She reminds me everyday that the simplest pleasures in life are important.  Finding a stick in the yard, for example, can bring the most joy.  
Or just having a great bone to chew on.
We go for a lot of walks and we run around the local park a ton.  Sometimes we try to chase bunnies and squirrels.  Sometimes we jump up on people and Mommy has to get upset.  And sometimes we go down the slide at the playground!
 In my opinion, she is pretty perfect.  I'm glad I took the plunge and got her.  Sure, it might not make sense to everyone with my lifestyle and schedule, but she has done wonders for me and my happiness.  Bailey Boo, Bai, Girlfriend, Sweet Pea.  She's my baby and I didn't have to lock myself up to get her!

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