Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Few Final Photos & a Few Final Thoughts

India has had an incredibly special place in my heart ever since 2007 when I studied abroad for 6 months while in college.  This entire blog started as a result of that decision to visit the other side of the world and I must say, my world has done nothing but grow in size and depth ever since.  It is strange to think (well, maybe not that strange) that this was my 3rd visit to the subcontinent in 5 years.  In many ways, it felt like I never left and in many more it felt like I as visiting as a new person with a strange case of deja vu.  The wonderful friends that I was able to spend time with are what make India so special to me.  Finally sharing India with Katie was fantastic.  Seeing Sushmita and Jeannie again was heartwarming.  Visiting the same places for a second time opened up more magic than I remember each place having.  

As with the 2 previous trips, this 3rd only made my love for this country grow deeper.  I've said before that when people speak ill of India, my only response is they clearly missed the magic.  All I ever see in India is the magic.  The colors, the smiles, the sights, the smells (good and bad), the sounds, are all so magical.  I don't understand how someone can be blind to all that makes India splendid.  I'll be back.  Not sure when.  Not sure how.  But I'll be back.  

Until then - thank you to everyone who joined me on this 3rd adventure.  Thank you for all the hospitality, all the memories, all the laughter, and for keeping the magic alive. 

Rajastani woman walking into town from her village, looking stunning in brilliant reds, orange, and blue.

Jain temple in Ranakpur (small town between Jodhpur and Udiapur).  This was a small, side temple to the much larger and more grand temple.  The carving work in the marble is stunning.

Can't go to India without seeing the monkeys.  These little guys were all around our guest house in Ranakpur. 

So true - in a restaurant we ate at in Udiapur.

Katie and I waiting for the sunset at our guest house in Ranakpur - very beautiful lake view!

Gardens in Udaipur.  I thought this cluster of trees/bush looked like a baby elephant.  Can you see it??

Nothing like a camel just hanging out on the side of the road.  Udiapur was awesome.

Three aspiring chefs!!  Cooking class in Udaipur.  We learned how to make 3 different curries, vegetable appetizer, and Katie's favorite desert, Gulab Jamon (aka: pancake balls)

Sidd in shadow at the Monsoon Palace of Udaipur waiting for the sun to set.

That's Udaipur behind us!  Katie and I posing at the Monsoon Palace.

We couldn't get enough of these marble screens!  They were everywhere and they were stunning!

*sigh*  I cannot get enough of this building.  I remember falling in love with the Taj the first time I visited.  This time was the same, just... wow.

For a bit of scaling/perspective.  I'm standing inside ne of the small side alcoves of the main mausoleum.  It is huge, and beautiful, and magical, and just worth seeing.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Rajastahn Photos!

Ok - we've got internet for a bit, so here are some more pictures!  We are having such fun!  Meeting fun people, eating AMAZING food, laughing a lot and being thoroughly impressed with just about every aspect of India.  I feel like I'm falling in love all over again.

Sidd and I in the jeep on the way to the family village in Jodhpur.
Katie and I in our village hut with the BEAUTIFUL scarf that Sidd's mother gifted to me.
Also, the red tikas on our foreheads were put on by the family upon our arrival.  It was placed along with a yarn bracelet in a blessing. 

We took a walk to a hill to watch the sunset and came across a goat herder and his goats. 

Sidd makes friends with his own kind everywhere he goes... yes I mean 12 year old boys.
P.S. He's the tall one.
We made our way to the Red Fort in Jodipur proper and Katie got to go on her first auto-rickshaw ride.
Katie and I got the audio tour at Red Fort so we could learn as much as possible.  And for the sexy affect the headphones gave all our photos!
The view of Jodipur (known as the blue city) from Red Fort over the mouth of one of the cannons.  You can see the walls of the old part of the city are painted with indigo giving them a blue hue.  The indigo is supposed to also serve as a bug repellent.

Friday, March 01, 2013

Wedding Photo Download

As promised - here are some photos from the wedding.  More pictures of Rajastan and our mini post wedding adventure as time allowes.

India Gate in Delhi - we tried to see some sites while on the wedding whirlwind!

Katie and I in front of the Ba'hai Lotus temple.  The site is closed on Mondays (when we were there) but the structure is amazingly beautiful!

Jeanie, Katie, and I took to exploring Old Delhi and had our first ride in a bicycle rickshaw - yes, the three of us were being pulled by a man on a bicycle....

The Red Fort in Delhi - also closed on Mondays :(

Eating street food with Madhvi!  I love Indian Chatt (street food) and was so happy that Madhvi knew of a good, clean place to chow down.  I don't think I've been that full in a long while.  Best part:  still healthy!

In preparation for the wedding, Katie and I got some simple henna done - nothing as elaborate as the bride, but still beautiful!

Looking STUNNING in our saris!!  Katie wore is so well, I was very proud of her!

Jeanie, Katie, Dr. Bhalla, Madvi (Aunti Ji), and I all decked out and wedding ready!

Sushmita the Bride!!!  Isn't she STUNNING?!