Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013 Resolutions

A lot of people don't believe in New Year's Resolutions.  They claim that an admittedly arbitrary date change is not a good reason for behavior change.  That today (Jan 1, 2013) is no different from yesterday so what's the point of trying to convince yourself and others that you will be making some improvements to your life?  I read and hear a lot people talking about broken self promises and yet another failed attempt at loosing weight, eating better, traveling more, blah, blah, blah.  I say, who cares?!  

I like New Year's Resolutions for one reason only; it makes you stop and think about what you want to change in your life and just like in AA, admitting you have something to change is the first step to doing something about it.  From that point forward, I agree with everyone else that resolutions are silly if people don't actually do anything about them.  Yes, the arbitrary turning of a page in a calendar is no good reason for self reflection; but what is?  Massive life changing events?  Sure.  But why do I need to wait for a massive life change in order to take some time and do some reflecting? (Let's be honest here, I don't need another massive life change...)  So today is arbitrary but who cares? 

2013 Resolutions (in no order of importance)
  1. Bring my lunch to work at least once a week:  save me some $$ and some calories, win win
  2. Read 1 book per month: Cut down my mindless internet surfing while still escaping reality for a bit (suggestions welcome!)
  3. Something around general health improvement.... I'm still thinking on this one, be it trying a beginner's yoga class, training for another century ride, or take a page from one of my friend's resolutions last year and complete 1 organized race/ride per month (bravo on finishing Katie, you're a rock star!!)  So I guess I'll get back to you on resolution 3.

 What are your resolutions?  How can I help?

1 comment:

Sokerchick said...

Hey Sunshine! Glad to hear about your resolutions and I'm happy to help any way I can. I'll start by bringing my new Kindle to India with me so you can try your hand at "Wise Man's Fear" if you haven't already read it. It's amazing. Not quite as great as Name of the Wind but very, very well done. Better than most of the stuff out there.

I also enjoyed a book called Divine Misfortune by A. Lee Martinez.