Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Rio de Janeiro - Carnaval 2011

So it begins... the week of fun... the week of costumes and drinks and samba and music... the week of CARNAVAL!!  Lacy came to visit me and spend a week in Rio de Janeiro during Carnaval.  We had a great time (despite some less than ideal weather) and as I always do - I'll let the photos speak for themselves.  Enjoy!!

Mandy and Lacy!  We met up with Mandy and her friend Zach on our first day in Rio.  What luck!
Mandy and I!
After a nice lunch with Mandy, Lacy and I met my friend Dago to get our first taste of Rio Carnaval!
Blocos - large street parties where a samba band drives SLOWLY down a street and everyone dances and drinks and wears costumes.  For the Boilermakers out there, think Breakfast club all day to Samba music. 
So happy to share Rio with Lacy - I miss her when she is gone!
What would Rio be without multiple trips to the beach?  Lacy looking slamming in her bikini at Leblon beach.
Leblon Beach
Lacy taking in the view
Dago joined us on the beach - and look we match!  LOL
Brazilian bikinis are known for not having much in back... and Lacy and I had to try to be authentic!!
Brazilians are also known for wearing bikinis regardless of body type - I say  ROCK IT LADY!
Wine may have been involved here, but I really think this is just how I feel about Lacy all the time. 
Soaking up some sun on a walk along the beach front.
Lacy trying out some fresh coconut water - too bad she didn't much like it...
More Bloco... all day.. all over Rio... all of Carnaval...
Out in Lapa, Rio Scenarium - so much fun!!
This bar had three floors, bottom floor has the band, then two floors above with this atrium in the middle so everyone can dance to the music!

Not sure I mentioned how much I love this girl....
Dago came out with us again!  He even got us to skip the line (something about being two American ladies I am sure worked in our favor)
Fun times are always had if you are taking tequila shots... Love the laugh Lacy!
The group, out in Lapa!
Clearly something amazing just happened... those expressions are priceless
More loving
Rio Scenarium crowd
After a long night of partying... water is in order. 
View from our first pousada.  The mountain on the left is where the famous statue of Christ stands, but he never came out from behind the clouds.
Copacabana beach - gotta love having a city on the water like this!!
Lacy in her most natural state, soaking up the sun!
A group of us met to go out to a traditional Brazilian Steakhouse!  Met up with Mandy and Zach again and also met their two friends Jordan and Pat.  It was a blast and everyone (except me) tried some pretty unique meats including Ostrich, boar, and sheep!
The next day (post Brazilian feast), Dago took Lacy and I into the Tijuca Reserve where we had this amazing view of Rio (granted it was pretty cloudy)  Note the awesome lake in the middle of the city. 
Lacy and I at the Chinese Vista (no idea why it is called that)

Looking good in front of a waterfall in the national park.
We still found time to get our workouts in - tri dips anyone?
Just walking down the road, holding hands, being awesome. Miss her!!!
Proof that Brazil does have some WICKED strange animals... this guy is about the size of a drink coaster I would guess.
Dago and I
After almost 6 days in Rio, there was still one thing Lacy and I hadn't been able to do that was a MUST do while in Rio - Paragliding!!!  So on Friday we caught a cab and drove to the landing site, got hooked up with a set of pilots, drove up a rather steep accent to the jump point, and had the most amazing views of Rio imaginable.  Best 10 minutes EVER. 

 The path that leads up to hang gliding / paragliding jump off point.
Hang glider in the air behind the parachute jumper about to take off.
Lacy all decked out and ready to parachute!
We are all set!
Lacy about to jump!  That is the camera in her hand btw.
Getting buckled in and set to leap!
I am so excited to jump too!!!

Just before the jump!  My legs were starting to feel like jello at this point.  But clearly I am excited :)
Flying above RIO!!!  Look how BEAUTIFUL this city is!!
I even got to fly a bit!  He let me pilot us around until it came time to land.  Such fun!
So beautiful!  I loved the kaleidoscope of cord colors also - so much fun!
Being goofy, as usual.
Getting ready to land!

More time on the beach... how perfect is this life?!
Man... life sure is good in Rio!
I am so ready to go back to have more fun in RIO!!!  Lucky for me I have an open invitation and my dad coming to visit in a month!! :) So much more to see and do.  Just have to buy the ticket and go!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks amazing! I'm so jealous. E-mail me sometime when you're free. I want to visit but I have to buy tickets soon so I can apply for the Visa.
