Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just Buy the Ticket and GO!

Thank you Francisco for the great advice!  I commented to him that I was bummed when a friend of mine had to cancel on our weekend plans due to Brazil's policy of obligatory voting.  Yes, in Brazil voting is mandatory for anyone over 18.  You can vote at 16 if you want to, but you MUST vote at 18.  As such, my friend has to return home to vote and cannot accompany me on a little weekend jaunt.

I was bummed and Francisco said to me "just buy the ticket and GO!"  And he is right.  I usually hate traveling by myself because I get lonely pretty easily but I realized that I am also lonely when I am sitting in my apartment with no one around so why not be lonely in a cool place?   With that great advice - I am off to Floranopolis for 3 days this weekend (we have a long holiday her in Brazil).  Florianopolis is pretty far south in Brazil and is half on an island and half on the mainland.  I booked a hostal on the island for three days where I hope to get some hang gliding lessons, spend some time in the sun, read a book, listen to some music, meet some new people and have fun.

Every weekend I don't do something fun and exciting, I miss an opportunity.  After 3 months of being here and having many opportunities pass for various reasons I have decided NO MORE!  I have many places I want to see, so darn it I am going!  Costs aside - I need to see Brazil!

I must also so - I am quite proud of my recent Portuguese endeavors on the phone.  I successfully purchased my airplane tickets over the phone in Portuguese.  I had to borrow my friend's credit card to do so (as they do not accept international cards) which made for some fun conversations.

Check back in a few days for photos!  In the mean time, I encourage you all to just buy your own proverbial tickets and GO already!  It is quite thrilling to plan a vacation 2 days before you leave! 

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