Friday, October 08, 2010

First few days in Quito, Ecuador!

Here are a few pictures from my first few days in Quito. Enjoy!!

Apparently this is a Virgin Mary Statue... but she has wings, is standing on a snake, and is holding chains.... I don't get it.

Francisco and I having fun and enjoying our first night!!

Me standing at the most important meeting place of the world next to the most exquisite Ecuadorian person - Francisco!! *note the sign...*

Pilsener - typical, all Ecuadorian beer.

Some typical Ecuadorian cuisine, fried plantains, corn cake things, and tamales with chicken.  The sauces are a red spicy sauce that reminded me a bit of salsa but with fewer chunks, and a cheese/milk blend.

This was DELICIOUS soup - potatoes, yucca, avocado, and cheese - YUM

Francisco and I took a cable car ride up to the top of this hill in Quito where the view was just stunning.  The entire city sits in this valley making the city very narrow but very long as it runs between the two mountains.

Hanging out at the top!  I didn't realize that Quito was at elevation and then this hill obviously is higher.  This shot is at about 14,000 ft if I remember correctly.

So pretty!  Quito reminded me a lot of Colorado actually, being at elevation, slightly dry, mountains - very similar!

Taking in the view

The view!

Francisco trying to point out his house to me... I think he was lying about which was his..

Francisco has been interested in flying forever it seems.  And he has been trying to get his pilot's license for a while now, but with work, cost, time etc. he hasn't quite gotten there.  However, he does get to fly with some regularity as he has an awesome friend Felipe who owns a plan and takes him up a few times a month.  Felipe was generous enough to take me up too!  I've been in small plans before (once with a volunteer friend from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, and once at Purdue with a friend), but they were both 4 seat planes.  This little guy was only two seats! It was snug but comfortable, and there is something very exciting about being so high up in such a little vessel. 

Inside of the plane - Very fun and very confusing!

View from up top!
Francisco - being awesome!!

Looking down at the clouds.  This view never gets old - be it from an airplane, or on top of a mountain.

Inside of the plane.  It was small, but very fun!

So cute and awesome!
Video of flying!!!

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