Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My time in Chicago is almost finished. I still have a small list of things I want to do before I leave and I will try my best to do them this weekend before I go. They are:
  • Visit the Baha'i Temple in Evansville - there is only one on each continent and I've seen the one in India so I'd like to see the one here
  • Take an architecture tour of Chicago. I've heard many very good reviews of the boat tour
  • Go swimming in Lake Michigan. Chicago is a bit odd in that right in downtown, you will find a beach to go swimming at, I can't miss that!
I must admit that I did manage to cover a lot of what I wanted to while here and that makes me pretty happy. I don't feel like I missed out on Chicago despite the few weeks/months of being a bit of a hermit.

The big move will happen over the course of several days. First is the packing up of everything here in Chicago. This is happening this Friday. Then there is the actual moving of myself from Chicago, this will happen the following Wednesday. Lastly there is the unloading of all my stuff in NYC, scheduled for the Monday after next. So I'll be in transit for about 10 days. My car is getting picked up on Wednesday as well and being sent back to CO to hang with my mom and brother.

I'm anxious - oddly anxious for all of this. I was sitting at work this week and I felt like my body was shaking. It wasn't, my hands were steady as usual but I had the sensations of shaking. I can only assume it was adrenaline or something as I get myself a bit worked up over this change. I love change, but it still is scary and stressful. For the last two nights I've not been sleeping well either. I'm sleeping (not total insomnia or anything) but I just feel restless. I think being in limbo for so long is what is the most uncomfortable part of this situation.

Anyway - here are a few photos from the Pride Parade here in Chicago - I really didn't take many but it was a lot of fun and I was so happy to take part!

Mark, Me, Ayo - rockin' the Pride Parade!

American Flag - freakin' huge American Flag

Rainbow Flags - PRIDE!!!

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