Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Well it's my last finals week at Purdue... it's the last big push for the end of the year and in my case the end of college. However, this year it's different because I don't have any finals! Sure sure sure, sounds GREAT right?! Well, it is pretty awesome and I don't for a second want people to think that I want finals, however, I do want people to think about what I've been doing considering I don't have any. Well if you thought, watching paint dry, witnessing grass grow, or otherwise mindless tasks, you would be startlingly close to correct. Succinctly, I am bored.

I've spent a great deal of time trying to plan the rest of my summer trip which while fun can just be overwhelming. There are so many options which all need to be priced out for cost and determined for ease and feasibility. It's quite tedious, overall fun, but tedious. I really just need to decide when I want to get home by, buy that ticket from someplace and just be sure I'm at that someplace at that time. Sounds easier than it is I fear. Well, at least is something to do!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Breakfast Club Experience

I participated in a Purdue tradition on Grand Prix race day known as breakfast club. It is a serious event targeted only to those with stamina, those with endurance, and those with a crazy idea of creativity. Basically it is for any college student who needs an excuse to drink and is willing to do it at 7am (or 5am to get in line) in costume - which is pretty much most of them. It is a time for our livers to prove to the world they can filter just about anything including cranberry and vodka from a giant trashcan. It grants us the freedom to express ourselves as any character, idea, object we choose be it individually or as a group. Most opt for a group theme as it guarantees you friends for the day because without you, the group theme is ruined. So here are some pictures from my outing as the crucial pink power ranger with my fellow blue, green,black, red, and yellow rangers.

*mom- don't worry - I only had one cup of cranberry juice!*

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

It's becoming a reality

I've slowly started to purchase my summer travel tickets. Pretty scary really to know that it is actually going to happen!! Here's my itenerary to date - subject to changes as tickets are purchased and plans are finalized:

May 20- depart for Frankfort, Germany (ticket purchased)
- See Jessica on study abroad?
- Visit with some couchsurfers in Frankfort?
May 24 - depart for Casablanca, Morocco (ticket purchased)
- Meet up with Katie and catch an overnight train to Merekesh
- Hang in Merekesh
- Find camels to ride into the desert
- sleep in the desert
- Head to Fez?
May 31st - depart to Abu Dhabi (ticket purchased)
- Hang out with Ajlan's mother
- Hang out with Ajlan?
- Visit Dubai
June 7th - depart for Bombay (ticket purchased)
- spend a few days reliving my IIT lifestyle
- head to Delhi/Ladakh to tour the north
- visit Varanasi to watch the spiritual rituals
June 26th - depart for Bangkok
- Join tour group working our way through Thailand into Singapore
July 13th - arrive in Singapore and see Mei!!
July 20th - depart Singapore to Denver

July 28th - drive to Chicago to start my life in the real world...

Whoa - I got tired just writing all of this!!! Crazy!!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For...

What do you do when what you've been dreaming about and wanting for such a long time, actually has a serious chance of coming to pass? How do you protect yourself from further hurt? How do you keep yourself open for a change of heart? There are a lot of questions that I was able to avoid when this was just in the realm of desire, but not in the realm of actuality, reality sets in and questions everything. I won't say no, I can't say no. I just hope this time around I sidestep the painful goodbyes.

India's never felt so close, or far as it does right now. Time pushes onward, bringing me second by second closer to closure or perhaps an open door. I want to question, but I don't want to assume. I want to know, but I don't want to share. I don't want to be vulnerable, but I do want to understand. How can getting what you're hearts been wanting for so long feel so foreign and scary?