Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My mom's visit, birthday wishes, and a picture extravaganza

First and foremost - a huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful little sis!! Mary Ellen (little) I love you so much and I'm very bummed I can't be around to celebrate the big 2-0 with you. I miss you and think about you every day!! In honor of you, here is a picture of you, Anne and I when we first became family!! I love you so much! I hope you are super happy! My mom has come and gone and it feels like it was such a tease of a visit. It was wonderful to have her in India. I loved being able to share a bit of my world with her, take her to the places I hang out, introduce her to my friends, have her eat my favorite foods, and just spend time. Too bad the three days she was here was not long enough. She and her friend Sally came for three days before jet setting off to north India for two weeks. Unfortunately I had class in the mornings which cut down on a lot of the time I could spend with her. We had a lot of fun though when together, like I said, just showing her a bit of my world over here. Siddharth and I took mom and Sally to south Mumbai for an afternoon which was a very great time. I exposed her to the Mumbai local train, which turned out to be just fine despite the warnings of all my friends (Sidd included.) I still don't believe that any trip to Bombay is complete without experiencing the train - I love it! Here are some pictures of our outings around IIT and in the city!!Mom and I at Mocha's - my FAVORITE coffee shop, I spend A LOT of time here :)

Mom, Sally, and I at Hira Nandani... yes there is a KFC here - a Pizza Hut too

This is the Gateway of India in the Colaba area of Mumbai
Chowpatty Beach is a 'beach' in south Mumbai which offers a pretty nice view of some of the downtown area.Siddharth and I at lunch out our afternoon in downtown.
This is a monkey on campus about 20 seconds before he nearly attacked me. There was a family of monkeys who all started to squeak and approach me. You can't tell but in this picture I'm about 2 feet from the monkey... just a typical day on campus!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I am halfway around the world on one of the most important days in my best friend's life - her 21st birthday. I cannot express how much I wish I were there to help her finish the huge amounts of drinks she will be consuming, or how much I wish I were there to take photographs of all the crazy stunts she will undoubtly pull. Jenny - take at least one shot for me, make it hard and take it straight. To the Forney Fanatics who I can only hope are going to be there to make it extra special... keep her extra happy!!

Missing you lova, so so so much.

Monday, March 19, 2007


So it only took about three months but it is finally happening. I miss home. I miss everyone at home. I actually thought today about going home... and if that is actually feasible... I don't really want to, but it felt good to think about it. I have an amazing life here filled with wonderful people who do extraordinary things to make me smile and make me happy, and I can't express how much that means to me. I know that I'm having an experience, but sometimes I wish it wasn't so hard.

If I can make it through tomorrow I might be okay. I don't really have a choice, tomorrow will happen if I want it to or not. I've just got to remember to breath. And being okay is really only relative... I've got end sems to think about...

My mom couldn't be coming soon enough. I need a hug...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I know it's been forever

Sorry I've not posted in forever it seems, but my life has gotten a bit crazy with school. I received some really exciting news the other day, I got a position as an RA in Earhart Hall for next year!! I'm very excited expect that I need to maintain a GPA while over here of a 2.5. I'm a bit worried about doing that actually... and I would really hate for the offer to be taken back based upon my inability to perform well while abroad. I've tried to convince myself that even if I don't achieve the 2.5 GPA it isn't because I'm not smart, I know I'm smart. What I've decided now is that if I don't make the 2.5 mark it isn't going to be due to lack of effort either. As such, it is full tilt toward learning and improving my marks and understanding of material. I still have a shot with the end semester exams to pull my grades up and earn marks that will allow me to be an RA. I think I can do it...

With all that on my mind it's leaving little room for much else. There is a three day weekend coming up this weekend (Monday is a Hindu Holiday) but I will be spending it on campus trying to teach myself some Mass Transfer. To my
ChemE friends at Purdue... are you struggling as much as I am in Heat and Mass?? Gosh I hope I'm not alone...

Miss you all!!

*countdown: 11days!!!*

Monday, March 05, 2007

My new favorite holiday

When I was little if someone asked me what my favorite holiday was I would respond with Christmas or my birthday depending upon which was closer. Of course Halloween would get added into the mix, because what little kid doesn't love a holiday that results in enormous amounts of chocolate. Halloween would quickly fade into Christmas once my mom started making fudge and the stockings got hung up. After Santa's gone, I started to look forward to my birthday, but now I have a new holiday to add to my bimonthly rotational favorites... Holi. Holi is the Hindu festival of color. It was crazy amounts of fun. I was covered from head to toe in blue, green, red, pink, yellow, purple. It was so much fun. There was Indian music and dancing all mixed with people rushing at you with colored powder rubbing it on your face wishing you a happy holi. It was wonderful. Pau and Jeannie!!!
Now it's Monday so I'm back to the grind!

Countdown : 20days!!!