Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Mid Sems

Mid Sem week is upon us! This is muck like finals week back at Purdue where there aren't any classes, just exams. Two hour exams for each class each weighing 30% of the final course. It is a lot of pressure to do well, it is a lot of cramming a lot of seemingly useless material into my head simply to regurgitate it later. I'm trying to impress upon myself the need to not only do well (which is a harder task than I'd like to admit) but more importantly the need to actually learn the material. In the end it doesn't matter if I pass but rather if I learned something. If I learn it after the exam that is simply bad timing on my part, however the ultimate goal is achieved.

As I sit and study, or try to study my mind is caught wondering. Everything in my world has all of a sudden become infinitely more interesting than my kinetics textbook, including the wood grain on my table. Not to mention I've been mildly distracted as of late anyway. When you are in an entirely new place all the emotions feel new too. Understanding those emotions takes time, longer than normal to reflect, decide and act. Time is a luxury, one that I have when it comes to making sense of my feelings, but not when it comes to my exams. If only my heart would speak a little louder, or be a little clearer all lot more would come into focus.

I'm incredibly happy right now. Honestly the thought of exams is daunting but I haven't stopped smiling for the past four days or so. Life is grand. India is beyond words. My friends both here and at home are inconceivably wonderful. I've never felt so lucky to have so many positive people and experiences in my life.

To put countless gobs of icing on this multi-tiered cake... my mom might be coming to visit me!! Seeing her would feel amazing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck with everything and keep smiling. It always brightens my day!