Saturday, February 10, 2007

Fun times!

This is Jeannie (my roomie) and I before she headed out for a night on the town! She managed to get free passes to a really nice club here in Mumbai which resulted in getting even more free passes for us to use later! Three of us, Jeannie, Mei, and I, went out clubbing last night at a club we'd been to before and met up with some friends. We didn't know it at the time but we were in for quite a night! The club was slow at the beginning which is pretty typical around here. The crowd doesn't show until about 12:30-1:00am. But because we knew people and could get in free we had to be there a bit earlier. So we met our friend who knew the DJ, who then took us to the "VIP" room. It really was just a nice room where all the DJs hang out. It was sorta cool to be in there just because you feel posh and a bit privileged, but really there isn't much to do there. The club had three DJs that night (why you need so many I don't know). But we met them all and then several songs were dedicated to us throughout the night which was fun. When the first club closed we club hoped over to another disc which turned out to be nicer than the first. The DJs we met at the first club go us into the second one free and even scored us some beverages! We were having a grand time dancing and just being silly. At one song (a typical Hindi/Indian song) a group formed around one guy dancing in the middle of the circle. Jeannie and I went to check it out and he danced up to us grabbed my hand and took me into the center of the circle with him! Another man came and got Jeannie and we danced in the center together with a crowd of people just clapping and shouting things. It was an experience!! Lots of fun. On our way out we were given free passes to come back another night. Actually we were given 11 free passes... valid for two couples... so if you are interested in clubbing at Amnesia in Mumbai hollar at me and I'll hook you up!! We got back at around 4:30am and crashed.

Oh boy mid
sems are in a weeks time... I think I best hang up my dancing shoes and crack open a book!!


Anonymous said...

i miss you - i want/need to talk to you on the phone. how long until that happens?

Anonymous said...

better watch out, the paparazzi will be chasing you soon!

Vikash said...

jeannie the freak
n allison the geek

looking like sisters :D

Anonymous said...

Had fun at "club 190"