Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Day 1

Oh my, how glad I am to have my laptop up and running! It took two communication secretary people to figure it out but I've now got internet! This should be easier to keep in touch with everyone. On the downside, my messanger systems don't seem to be working with my new proxy settings, whatever that means! I may have to come up with something else or get my hands on one of those two secretaries again.

So after my arrival to campus I was given a room on the first floor and signed a bunch of papers and that was about all. No tour, no explanation of anything, just a key and goodbye. I've been trying to make friends which has proven difficult because there is a huge cultural festival going on right now on campus. This means I've met loads of people, just not from IIT. They are from all over India which has been interesting. Needless to say I've been getting a lot of strange stares from people and a few have commented on my height. I met with the head of ChemE to work some things out and I hope my classes turn out all right. There is so much paperwork to do it frustrates me greatly. Oh well, I'll figure it out.

I'm going to try to make friends today. It's weird to think that I have that as a mission of mine. At Purdue your friends just sort of happen, but here, I've got to reach out and say hello because most people seem to be content to just smile at me.

Having internet is actually making me feel a lot better about things. I've sort of been in this state of mild nausua for the past two days and it seems to be better now. Of course this could also be due to the pepto-bismal that I took. So much to do still, so much to say, I'll try to keep posting so everyone can stay up to date. And I love the comments people! I miss home a lot already but knowing that you all are still in touch makes me feel a lot better.

Miss everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay!! you're in india and you have internet!! lol
so glad to hear that you made it safely! i would think that these first few days would be by far the hardest- i can't imagine trying to meet people with a different language and differnt culture! sounds crazy- but exciting!
i know that once people get to know you- they won't be able to help but love you! i am so impressed at your outgoing and willing to try attitude! miss you!! love ya!