Sunday, July 17, 2011

Much has Changed

A few weeks back I uprooted again and transplanted myself in Cape Girardeau, MO as I previously mentioned.  I have been here for just over 2 weeks now and I can safely say, I am surprised with how much I enjoy it.  Now, please remember that I am coming in with all the expectations a super small town can demand, basically zero.  Best way I can describe it is Cape is a small town that does not believe it is a small town.  They have a small but decent mall with a Macys, JC Penny (containing a Sophora!!), Victoria's Secret, The Buckle, Barnes and Nobel (with Starbucks), and a few other smaller clothing stores as well.  There is a Best Buy, Target, Walmart, Sears, Lowes,  a few movie theaters, and a handful of strip malls containing delis, dry cleaners, small boutiques etc.  Over all, Cape has pretty much everything you could need without having a lot of extras.  

When you drive down the interstate you feel a bit like the big box stores decided there should be a town, they set up shop and as the adage goes "if you build it, they will come."  I think there is a small ring of truth to that.  However, as you venture to the "historic" downtown, you find some small town charm, the Cup and Cork coffee/wine shop, the small antique stores that never seem to have anyone inside, and the roaring Mississippi River.  There is a surprisingly beautiful bridge that crosses the river to Illinois which is a striking landmark.  Unfortunately the only thing on the other side to greet you are a few seedy looking strip clubs that are open until 4AM (unlike the Cape bars which close at 1:30AM). 

I think I will be find here, I have met some great people through an old Purdue acquaintance of mine who has been invaluable in helping me feel welcome.  I get to move into my apartment next week (the Holiday Inn is home currently) and I am very excited to start setting up.  I have made two big purchases since arriving, my new leather couch:

I bought a matching chair too but am debating the ottoman vs coffee table...
and... the biggest purchase of my ENTIRE LIFE (and the biggest reminder that a signature really can change your life....) my new 2012 Ford Focus Hatchback!
Isn't she pretty?!?

This coming week I have training, all week!  Over the weekend I will finally get keys to my new apartment and I will start to move in, buy all the necessities, and prepare for the movers who are hopefully coming on Monday!!  Fingers crossed!!

Sunday, July 03, 2011


The tag line for my blog is "In an attempt to keep my roots while desperately using my wings... these are my adventures."  Sometimes I think that is odd as all I seem to do is uproot and never maintain them.  However, it is intended as a metaphor for trying to keep in touch, keep my family and friends close even though I tend to wander.  I find I do the most growing during these moments of transition.  While I am struggling to say goodbye (see you laters!) to those people who have put their hand prints on my heart (cliche, I know) I am simultanously trying to start over.  It is a conflicting state to be in, when you are saying goodbye with one side, and hello with the other.  Just a few days ago I was hugging and crying as I wished many people the best, and today I am trying to prep myself to meet a new group of potential friends.  That is a lot for the mind, and particularly the heart, to adjust to. During these moments, I find myself relying on the cliches, the words of wisdom of those around me to get me through.  "Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened."

Before leaving Brazil, my great group of friends there had a wonderful dinner for me.  It once again reminded me how many amazing people I have in my life.  While I cried when I said "see you later" to them all, it is nice to have these pictures of us smiling and laughing to remind myself of all the great times we had.  
Sandra and I - from the very first day (literally!) to the very last day, Sandra was there for it all.  Love her for that and many, many other reasons. 

Carol and I!  One of my favorite Brazilian memories (churrasco, soccer, volleyball, poker, Trucou!) I owe to Carol for bringing me along and including me in her world. 

The Girls!

Carlos and Pia, Camila, Sandra and I - Such great, great people.
Thank you to all my great Brazilian friends for an experience that was challenging in ways I could not have imagined and rewarding in quantities beyond measure.  Tchauzinho mas, realmente ate logo! Lembra que voces sempre tem um convite pra EUA, minha casa esta aqui pra voces sempre!

Beijos pra todos!

Friday, July 01, 2011

Recife - June 23-27

I love traveling!  I love being in new places, meeting new people, trying new things, and having adventures which will keep me laughing and smiling forever.  As my time in Brazil is quickly (too quickly for my taste) coming to a close, I wanted to take one last mini-vacation before starting the next big move.  My manager, and good friend Tatiana was recently promoted to a new role here in Brazil as the supply leader of our other powdered laundry detergent factory.  Her factory is located outside of the amazing beach city of Recife in the northeast of Brazil.  So I decided to take advantage of having a friend to travel with, and headed off for a long 4 day weekend to celebrate Festa de Juninha (Festival of little June).

The bright colorful balloons and flags (on the walls behind) that are typical of this holiday.

Forro is the typical dance for Festa de Juninha and the typical story of the dance always has a bride and a groom.

Tatiana and I in Caruaru - the Forro Capital!  It was about 3 hours from Recife.  We ended up spending all night, not getting back until almost 4AM!

The flags, and illuminated balloon of the festival - very fun!

We took a bus from Recife along with about 18 other people.  Tatiana and I made friends with a very sweet couple, Andrea and Lairson - here are the girls.  Tatiana and I are drinking what appears to be grape juice, but is really chopp vinho, draft wine.  It sounds strange, and is strange, but delicious.  It is wine (super sweet, almost juice wine) with a splash of the foam from a beer tap.  Basically it tastes like alcoholic grape juice that is foamy, we liked it!

After our adventure to Caruaru (and arriving back in Recife around 4AM), Tatiana and I slept in only to get up to explore the near by city of Olinda.  Olinda is maybe better described as a suburb than another city, but its charm and vibe is completly unique.  Recife is actually a Dutch settlement and Olinda still boasts a lot of Dutch architecture and city feel.  It is said that had the Dutch colonized Brazil, Brazil might be a contender for world leader.  Why is this?  Because unlike the Portuguese who came to Brazil and took the Brazilian goods and sent them back to Europe, the Dutch invested in their Brazilian colonies.  Thus, Brazil would have had a much stronger start and probably would have developed much faster (or at least be much further along in its development).  I imagine the Dutch would have liked that also, because at least then there would be one other country that speaks Dutch making their language not entirely useless... (just kidding!) 

View of Recife from the high hill in Olinda
Olinda is also famous for its many historical churches.

Tatiana and I in Se, the top of the hill in Olinda.  All other churches are built with their entrances facing this hill (and the large church on top)

Being silly in a traditional Festa de Juninha hat

Recife is also famous for its Carnival party.  While not as well known as the Rio samba parades, Recife has street blocos that would rival the best in Rio.  In the blocos people walk around wearing these GIANT doll costumes, Tantiana and I are sitting with one sure costume and you can see the other off the the left.  The waist of the doll is about where the head of the person wearing the costume would be.  Inside is a support system that reminds me of a giant drummer vest (think marching band) with the weight of the doll being held on the wearer's shoulders. 

Being silly

No one should be drunk alone, so I sat down with this poor guy to hear his worries, got a little tipsy myself (j/k)

Pretending it is Carnival - wearing another traditional costume head dress.  You can see the bodies of the giant dolls behind me, they are enormous!

Tatiana and I outside one of the famous Olinda churches
 After Olinda and another much needed nights rest, we headed to Porto de Galinhos (Chicken Port) which is a beautiful beach town about an hour and a half from Recife.  It is a delightful stretch of beach filled with beach bars, chairs, umbrellas, and cute B&Bs.  The town itself is very sweet, albeit a tad typical tourist beach town with souvenir shops and nice restaurants. 
Tatiana and I took what I would call a Porto de Galinhas gondola ride (think Venice, not Steamboat).  It was really pleasant and our "driver" managed to catch a sea horse for us as the area is being preserved for their protection.  We of course let him go again after getting a good peak. 

Tatiana and I

After a nice day in the sun, I was ready for a rest in a hammock!  Thankfully Brazil is full of them, and no beach town is complete without an abundance!

A chicken, at chicken port..... lol
And that wrapped up a wonderful few days with Tatiana, and my last Brazilian mini-vacay (at least for now!) Such fun!!