Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dad came to visit!!

Last week my daddy came to visit me in Brazil!  It was a wonderful opportunity to share a bit of my world here with him, flaunt my (mediocre) Portuguese skills, see a bit more of this amazing country myself, and connect again with my dad.  Arguably the last piece was the best part.   As with all my posts, here is a summary in photos!  And dad, come back any time, or better yet - lets plan another vacation soon somewhere totally new!!

Cristo!  On top of a mountain in Rio - Don't I make a nice mini version?

Rio de Janerio - one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen.  Notice the lake inside (salt water though)

Sugar Loaf in the distance!

More Rio

Enjoying the view from Cristo

Daddy and I!

Daddyman Cristo (it was super crowded, impossible to get a solo shot but that is okay, dad is tall :)  )

So after our visit to Cristo, we HAD to spend some time on Ipanema Beach!  "The girl from Ipanema walks by and all the boys go --- Ahhhh"

Daddyman taking in the waves - he was impressed with the size.

Dad - tackling the waves!!  First time swimming in the southern hemisphere!

Daddyman, the moon, and Ipanema beach

Daddy and Me on the beach!
 After our afternoon catching some sun, we headed out to Copacabana to get some dinner and catch a craft fair so I could buy some artwork.  I always like getting something fun when I travel, a special piece of art or something to remind me of my trips.  This idea I got from Mommy!  Great idea mom - I cannot wait to show you what I bought!

While we were strolling along Copocabana we came across a promotion for the new movie Rio - which I've seen twice now and FULLY recommend as it is very sweet, hilarious, and for me, an animated version of my time in Rio with Lacy during Carnival!!

In Rio, in Rio - with Rio

The view of Ipanema and Leblon beaches from the top of our hotel.  Did I mention we were ON the beach?! Literally across the street!

Dad being a dorkasauras with teh Ceasar Park Hotel Cabana where we could get beach chairs and umbrellas - Amazing!

Back on the beach!  Soaking up some sun!  (Of course when you rock SPF 50-70 you don`t really tan... you just reflect the light back to the sky... that is why I look so PASTY)

Dad took on the waves again the next day!!

Is it just me, or do my legs look SUPER long in this photo?  Also dad thought the way the beach vendors hung the bikinis on the umbrella behind me was funny (and clever).  He wanted a photo of the umbrella but thought it was strange to just take a picture so he asked me to stand in front as a decoy...
 After two day in Rio, we caught a bus to a small town about 3 hours north of Rio called Buzios.  It is a beach community with several beaches scattered around a small peninsula.  We had a GREAT few days there, relaxing, drinking beers, chatting up a store, and getting caught in the rain (it was actually fun!)

Our Pousada (B&B) pool - it was amazingly beautiful!

The beach in Buzios where we spent a delightful afternoon, lounging, swimming, sipping beverages.

Hanging out under out ghetto MasterCard umbrella.  Everyone else has nice big bright yellow ones and we got the jankity MC umbrella - oh well, still worked!

Daddy and I after our lunch in Buzios

Men pulling in the fishing nets! 

Ok ok, they aren't real men, they are statues (realistic ones in my opinion) and they also make great bird perches apparently.  This sea gull looks very happy on his hat. 

Just enjoying the pool and having fun with my pool noodle! (am I the only one who thinks the word noodle is funny to say??)
 After our 3 days in Buzios - where it did rain, but we managed to stay inside a t-shirt shop and not get too wet, we caught a bus back to Rio where we hopped a plane to Foz de Iguacu in the state of Parana.  Foz de Iguacu are the waterfalls that make up part of the Argentina and Brazilian boarder and they are SPECTACULAR!

Me with a goofy diagram of the park and the waterfalls.

Most HILARIOUS photo EVER!!  It is beautiful at this size... but if you can enlarge it and see our faces - you will understand why this is so funny - my eyes never hurt so much in my life - staring straight into the sun.

The Falls!!  These are on the Argentinian side of the falls - so that is actually Argentina you are seeing, not Brazil.

Having fun and LOVING the view!

I told you.... BEAUTIFUL

The famous 88 butterfly.  They say it is good luck if they land on you... we were not lucky.


We got a little bit wet taking this photo - so much water!!  1500 liters per SECOND they say!

SEE?!?  So much water!!

See what I mean??  we are a little damp

More butterflies!

In front of our hotel which was located INSIDE the park, so we could roam around all night and first thing in the morning without crowds.  That was awesome!
 And that is that - an amazing 7 days in Brazil with my dad!  How much more can a little girl ask for than a week with her daddy?

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