Sunday, December 07, 2008

A New Routine

It's been just about four months since I've moved to Chicago. Four great months, four lonely months, four boring months, four crazy busy months, four months of life of the 12 that I have here - gone...

Strange really that I'm already 25% done with my first rotation as an SCMP... strange that I don't feel like I've made any type of contribution yet in that 25%. Stranger still, Unilever seems to be okay with that fact. It's driving me nuts that I can't drive change better, that I can't make improvements happen for one reason or another. And even more so, it bugs me that I rarely can seem to find areas where I can make change happen. It's all very complicated and all very dull but it seems to take up a lot of my thoughts recently. I promise that I love my job, I just wish I were better at it.


and it sometimes is a bit crowded but mostly it's fine. I'm trying to get into a new routine of working out frequently during the week and weekends. I don't really have any goals in mind for fitness (other than the standard, be healthy, look better, live longer goals everyone has). I don't really want to run a marathon. I'm not I joined a gym. I signed up for one similar to the DTC branch of CAC back home (for you Colorado dwellers you might know it) which is a pretty nice gym really. I can only go after workinterested in becoming a body builder. I just want to be able to do my daily things and my not so daily things without thinking about my fitness as a barrier. Really I don't think I'm unfit, I'm no triathlete or anything but I wouldn't call myself unhealthy either. I guess I just really need something to do with my time so why not pick something that will be good for me and help me be happy and healthy?

I'm still looking for a place to learn a language. There is a Spanish course near me but they are outrageously expensive. I might look into the university near by and see if they offer any not for credit classes in Spanish in the evenings or weekends. That would also be fun to keep me busy.

I've also been to a few concerts recently which have all been great fun. Perhaps I'll start looking into some venues and pick a few new bands to try. Sometimes tickets are only $7-$15 at smaller venues so it's not like it's a big deal if I don't care for the band. At least the crowds are usually pretty fun!


Always accepting visitors from any part of the globe!!!! Come visit me in Chicago :o)

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