Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Pulsing My readers

My very artistic boyfriend took this photograph of the sunset reflecting in the window of a yacht in Sag Harbor - gorgeous!

To all those out there who read this blog I have a question to ask you... do you wish me to continue the blog??? When I created this blog at the beginning of my journey to India I did so with the intent of keeping everyone at home updated with the convenience of them checking in when they liked. It allowed me to share my experience with my friends and family without having to mass email them or the sort. So now that I'm home, back in the USA, about to head out to Purdue, my question is this: Is there still an interest or reason for continuing with the blog? I'm sort of on the fence about continuing. There is a lot to be said for being so open in sharing with your life especially with friends and family. But there is also something to be said for being so open with anyone interested in random blog reading. It's hard to say if I'm still interested, posting about West Lafayette life is much less exciting than posting about my adventures in India.

A brief aside about India...
I miss India a lot. I really miss my friends back at IIT who are all starting their term already. I miss the laughter in the hostel and the many attempts to make it back in time for pani puri tiffin. I miss being in a place where there is something new at ever turn. This seems ironical as I was longing for familiarity when I was there. I'm not sure when I'll make it back to India, but I know that someday I'll have to. Be it to check in on some crazy IIT friends and maybe attend a Hindu wedding or so, or perhaps on another wayward journey through such a culturally rich place. I'm confident I'll return, when I do I can only hope that my friends are still there to welcome me into their world as unquestioningly as they did the first day I arrived. I feel more blessed now looking back on the experience than I ever did while I was living it. So to all my friends back in India thank you for your hospitality, your friendship and your experiences, you made my trip fantastic.

Back to the entry at hand, please leave a comment if you think I should continue blogging. Perhaps knowing people will read it will inspire me to keep posting.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Being home and traveling around

I'm home as I stated in my most recent blog. After an amazing week back in Colorado I jet-setted off to the Twin Cities to attend my sorority sisters wedding. (yes I am an engineer and yes I am in a sorority so all you women out there thinking it's too much, give Greek Life a Shot!) It has been so wonderful to spend time with my sisters again and laugh like no time has passed. Though the weird thing about being home is now I have stories to tell that start like this " This one afternoon I was in Calcutta and was getting my sandals repaired by a guy on the street... " or "While I was in an over night bus from Ooty..." or "When was on the road side eating pani puri and chatting with my boyfriend...." Those are moments that really drive home the fact that I was abroad. When I got home everyone asked me what it feels like to be home, and honestly it feels the same as when I left. It is as if I went to sleep for a weekend and woke up with a lot more stuff.

Anyway after leaving St. Paul I head to NYC and DC to spend some time sight seeing here in the USA. Then it is off to Long Island to visit the grandparents. Oh yeah then there is the getting back to Purdue two weeks early to go through RA training!!! Yup I might be one of your RAs! Pretty exciting!!!