A brief aside about India...
I miss India a lot. I really miss my friends back at IIT who are all starting their term already. I miss the laughter in the hostel and the many attempts to make it back in time for pani puri tiffin. I miss being in a place where there is something new at ever turn. This seems ironical as I was longing for familiarity when I was there. I'm not sure when I'll make it back to India, but I know that someday I'll have to. Be it to check in on some crazy IIT friends and maybe attend a Hindu wedding or so, or perhaps on another wayward journey through such a culturally rich place. I'm confident I'll return, when I do I can only hope that my friends are still there to welcome me into their world as unquestioningly as they did the first day I arrived. I feel more blessed now looking back on the experience than I ever did while I was living it. So to all my friends back in India thank you for your hospitality, your friendship and your experiences, you made my trip fantastic.
Back to the entry at hand, please leave a comment if you think I should continue blogging. Perhaps knowing people will read it will inspire me to keep posting.