Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Indian Adventure

Well... I'm done with work, I'm out of Bangalore, I've got a backpack, some money, a Lonely Planet Guide Book, and two weeks... I'm Off!!! I'm currently in Calcutta en route to Darjeeling, where I will be staying for two days before departing for Delhi and a great Rajasthan tour!! I'm home after that!!! Hopefully bringing with me a live souvenir.

I'll update when I know more or have details to give.

Lova - I'm terrible and haven't gotten back to you and I know this... I'm working on that, same to you Mark.


Vikash said...

I wish your last days in india will be memorable. :)


Allison said...

Thanks Vikash, all my days in India have been memorable! These will be no different I'm sure.

Hope to catch up with some IITians before departing for my homeland! I should be in Mumbai on the July 3rd...

Anonymous said...

i love you, lova!

Anonymous said...

hey girl.... have fun in rajasthan... do read all the warnings given in the lonley planet... can be quite helpful...

bargain when getting on an auto in Delhi.. or else but a prepaid ticket.

Pushkar is a really small town.. just beware of people giving you flowers, and be careful when at the lake as people would tend to cheat your money.

Anonymous said...

So I was sitting at my desk at work messing around on my computer because I'm waiting for a reaction to finish up. Then this older guy comes up looking for my adviser. I tell him that she's not here today and she'll be back on Monday. A little disappointed, he looks over my shoulder at the computer screen which happens to be the main page of your blog. He reads out loud, "Changing infinity"....then he says, "haha, that's pretty hard to do isn't it?" He follows his comment with a bellowing laughter for a few seconds. Naturally I thought of you, and now I'm telling you about it. ;-) Miss you!! Love ya!